Moreno Closes Down 4 Supermarkets Over Supply Breach


Apr 16, 2010

How long until all the supermarkets are closed by Moreno?

How long before private enterprise realises that it's time to stop bowing to Moreno's ludicrous behavior?
For example I've been trying to see where exactly it is written in law that supermarkets are not allowed to advertise their products in the press.
Or is it simply a case of public enemy number one shouting and screaming at them until the saliva drips from his mouth and they turn from the room tails between legs?
My local Carrefour Express recently started putting up a sign on the door at odd times of the day saying they're closed for 20 mins. Two cashiers were fixing it on quite anxiously when I passed by just now. I think it's a ruse when they suspect an inspector's going to turn up...
I can't believe we actually let him in our Embassy for our 4th of July celebration! He acted like such an a$$! I'm embarrassed for our invited guests. Ché Cabron!
Yah right, refuse commerce secretary to participate in 4th of July celebration at US Embassy, Buenos Aires. K would have turned it into an International incident and got maximum milage from the evil empire's behavior. United Nations, full nine yards. Let the fool reveal his true colors. Noted how upset Cristina is with the Imperialist governments detaining Bolivia's plane in Austria. Emergency meeting and everything. What about Timerman detaining US Air Force plane back in 2011 at EZE. What a crock of crap. These people are in way over their head. Everyone of them is like a terd in a punch-bowl.
Front page of lanacion.

Eduardo Buzzi: "Guillermo Moreno es un cavernícola que maneja hoy la economía"

That about sums it up in my opinión
The day my government stops using its embassies as launching grounds for terror and starts to adhere to international law is the day I start to care about a hack like Moreno profaning their hallowed grounds.
The day my government stops using its embassies as launching grounds for terror and starts to adhere to international law is the day I start to care about a hack like Moreno profaning their hallowed grounds.
Yup, sure there hey. Lots of big time terror commin outa that embassy down there hey. Scary place. Been in there several times. Had to check my terror machine at the front door. there is a scary guy. Scary because people that stupid are completely unpredictable.