Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

Never heard anything similar on radio outside Arg. Your example, parody or not, is not equivalent to the Argie gobbledygook. Not even close. Got an example like the crap on Argie radio?

Have you ever heard of this thing called "Google"? Trust him, rapid-fire disclaimers exist in English - the fact that they're parodied should be truth enough.
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Have you ever heard of this thing called "Google"? Trust him, rapid-fire disclaimers exist in English - the fact that they're parodied should be truth enough.
I was a later night radio listener in NYC for many years (60s/70s). I've googled fast talk radio. Nothing close to the Arg gobbledygook. Willing to be persuaded otherwise if you provide a link. In any case, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
I was a later night radio listener in NYC for many years (60s/70s). I've googled fast talk radio. Nothing close to the Arg gobbledygook. Willing to be persuaded otherwise if you provide a link. In any case, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

And yet, two witness can get a man hanged.
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