Moving to BA from Boston... need contacts!

Have you been here in the summer? I, like many of us leave the city. The heat, mosquitos (dengue), lack of adequate AC and total absence of window screens need to be factored in your decision. And remember, it is easy to buy, but very difficult to sell, if you change your mind.
Thanks. I will probably keep it and let a relative deal with it once I peg out! LOL
I choose to stay in BA during the summer months. I have window screens and ceiling fans, and need to run the AC for about ten days each year. Unlike Washington, DC, the climate it is not humid, and it gets cooler at night.

After Dec. 15 the city empties, and traffic gets manageable. Everything is in bloom, the air is clean, and the sky is a deep blue. There's a lovely, relaxed feeling, and people sit at outdoor cafes and restaurants until the early morning.

Come April, the vacationing hordes are back and the city reverts to its usual nuthouse state.
Thanks. I will probably keep it and let a relative deal with it once I peg out! LOL
thats my plan. i offered the person helping me in ba to buy it at a 25 percent discount and pay all expenses associated with the process. hope it was a generous offer. he makes money on the rentals as few as they are. although the french embassy want to use it on a continuing bases and i have agreed to not rent to the general public. lady luck in on my side
last i heard he was arrested in san diego with 700,000 hidden in the wall. he wasnt living the high life
I want to make a decision on which property to buy the week of August 21st and already have a list of potential properties.
Have you seen this PH?

Or this one?

Have you been here in the summer? I, like many of us leave the city. The heat, mosquitos (dengue), lack of adequate AC and total absence of window screens need to be factored in your decision. And remember, it is easy to buy, but very difficult to sell, if you change your mind.
I second this...the real estate market here is highly illiquid. Personally, with treasury rates yielding 5%+ in the US, I don't see why anyone with 6 figures in cash to drop would purchase an apartment down here for only a few months out of the year. It's not a great ROI in my opinion unless you plan on renting it out the remainder of the year and that comes with a whole different set of costs/concerns.
i fit the 3 month mode. i love it down there. you can choose what season you want. its the opposite of the us. the expenses are low. it costs me 1800.00 a year al in. elect, cable, building expenses and yearly property tax. rent for 2 months and all is good. for 20 years i only had to contribute during the pandemic. its a great plan b