Moving to Rosario


Feb 15, 2011
Myself and my boyfriend are currently doing a bit of travelling in South America - we´re in Bolivia at the moment but leaving for Argentina in a week. We´ll be stopping in Rosario to work for a few months. Neither of us has been to Argentina before and we don´t know anyone in Rosario, so it´d be nice to make some contacts or even get some advice from others who know the area or have been there before.

I know less than a little bit about Rosario. A hundred years ago, it was known as the Chicago of Argentina, mostly because there were a lot of factories there.

Now, there is a nice downtown area, with beautiful old style buildings. There is a small nice museum of art, and the riverside, where the people picnic on weekends.

On the other side, there is a lot of poverty around town and in the surrounding areas. A friend of mine was there recently for a couple of days and was surprised not only for the poor people she saw all day long, but also for the skinny starving dogs at the street.

For social purposes, I recommend you to join
I really liked Rosario as a temporary escape from Capital, but I don't think I'd want to live there. For a small city, it's lovely: breathtaking architecture, super-friendly people, some very green parks and historical sites (such as the Cuna de la Bandera and the Club Espanol). But there are some sketchy areas, the pace of life is slooooow, and everything shuts down in the afternoons and on Sundays. You must stay in the exquisite Savoy hotel, which is reason enough to visit the city. The riverside is very well-developed, with pedestrian walkways, recreational areas, and cute restaurants. On Friday evenings, the riverside park is PACKED with couples and families, sitting in lawn chairs and eating picnics or take-out pizza. I've heard Rosario has a good jazz scene, and would have loved to have checked it out, but alas, did not get the chance.

P.S. One peculiar tradition I noticed was that everyone in Rosario drinks their wine with ice; in fact, at every restaurant we went to, the waiter brought out a small bucket of ice along with the bread basket. Not sure whether it was because of the blazing heat or if it's just a local custom, but I found it charming.
I love Rosario for its architecture and its superb people who are friendly and cultured. I highly recommend Rosario for all of those looking for a alternative to Buenos Aires
Rosario is the hometown of Leo Messi. That is enough to recommend it....
starlucia said:
I really liked Rosario as a temporary escape from Capital, but I don't think I'd want to live there.

I second this comment. I went to Rosario for a weekend and one weekend was enough. The city was pretty, the city was boring-- therefore my conclusion was Rosario was pretty boring ;)
I strongly recommend you to visit "El Cairo". It is a bar - restaurant located at a corner near downtown, the Monumento a la Bandera. Go!!!