Moving to Rosario

Hi! I'm currently living in Rosario, let me know if I can help you with anything!
Take a boat trip - the city gives life to the residents and the visitors and eat a Carlitos at a good place ...its worth the trip and fyi I have 2 Rosariños as good frends in Bsas..they have good values.
Rosarinos pronounce the "s" very short at the end of the words, different to most of the argentinians.
There,'s a very good fish restaurant there, can't remember the name but you go down the hill past the flag monument and take the road at the bottom to the right. It's in the basement. Owned by a family from Asturias I think (3 generations ago). Very busy, basic and cheap. Excellent quality. Other than that I thought Rosario was a bit dull.
Roxana said:
Rosarinos pronounce the "s" very short at the end of the words, different to most of the argentinians.

Sometimes they don't pronounce it at all, something common in Uruguay as well.
dr__dawggy said:
Rosario is the hometown of Leo Messi. That is enough to recommend it....

Hmm and his family took the first chance they had to leave!

People are nice, it's a pretty town, but it's not small enough to avoid any of the typical problems found in Argentine cities (villas, pollution etc etc). Good for a visit, don't know that I would move there, would have to be a good offer for us to go. I'd personally rather move to Mendoza over Rosario.