'must See' In Belgrano

Not much to put on a must see list, maybe the craft market by la redonda, furchi ice cream on cabildo and the indian (spices, rice etc) shop on ciudad de la paz.....i guess barrio chino counts as belgrano....worth it for the szechuan chicken.
I like to walk through Melian, in Belgrano R, The Barrancas is a nice place to walk too, La Glorieta, to dance tango, The Market of Juramento crossing Cabildo (I think is Ciudad de la Paz), it is a very nice place to walk near the german embassy, the square between Maure, Lacroze, Cabildo and Luis Maria Campos, with beautiful old houses and mansions, Tudor architecture, etc.
Ceviche in "Contigo Perú" is a must. In Echeverria y la via, China town.
You're speaking of a Szechuan chicken. Is there actually good Chinese food out there in Chinatown? (not a sarcastic question, but I have never been to Chinatown and in the rest of the city Asian food isn't of the standards I am used to)
I second Melian, Walk down Melian in between Monroe y Ave. de las Incas, it's gorgeous all throughout Belgrano R but that street is my favorite area in the entire city. Gorgeous huge homes/embassies, huge sidewalks, tons of trees, and a great Heladeria on the corner of Melian y Juramento