My French Riviera Residence


Apr 28, 2013
Ladies & Gentlemen:

I´m stuck here for very compelling reasons and can´t return to My French Riviera Summer Residence till I´m done.
I can go back any time I want on my private plane, but my obligations here would not allow me.

So I´ll be constantly nagging and screaming from the top of my lungs, to the bitter end, having a fit, till I get back to my mansion, from this failed mediocre state Argentina. Please don´t get me wrong, .. I´m not here to put this failed state Argentina down at every occasion without my own very strong compelling reasons and careful meticulous scientific economic analyses (stronger than religion .. almost a cult). I put Argentina down cause I love Argentina and I know how to fix the economy of this mediocre Argentina, .. if Lehman Brothers hired me they did not have to collapse. I´ll tell ya.

So please , ... bare with me till I´m done with the bong.
Well, hand me the keys, I can go take good care of your French Riviera Residence. Fee TBD.
Well, hand me the keys, I can go take good care of your French Riviera Residence. Fee TBD.

I took it upon myself to take charge of the this God forsaken all in shambles Argentina,
I´ll dedicate my soul to get them straight.
I know how to fix them.
I know how to change them.
They need to be changed.
I´ll show them how to do it right.
There is only ONE way to do it right.
No one else has a way better than mine ... NO ONE
It is easy for me cause I know, ... it´s good for them.
It´s very simple and very clear to me what to do.

All the simple basics really, ... don´t know why people don´t see it?

Please bare with me ... I´ll be done with the bong soon.
I would refer the honourable gentleman to the comment I made earlier.
My villa in the Italian Riviera is treating me just fine. No bong needed. Just good food , great wine , a view of the Med and my lovely wife. Friends , family , nice cool weather. My mind is so far away from Argentina. Sueno en Italiano .......

So , why am I reading threads on BA expats ?????

More wine , now !!