My Half Hour Residency Trip

I am heartened to see these various posts.
One thing that I don´t understand is about Argentine bank accounts. According to what I have been told by a couple of the main banks here, you can´t open a bank acct in Argentina unless you have permanent residency. I don´t have residency of any description, nor a DNI (I do have a CDI and a certificado de domicilio).
Is it in fact possible to open a bank account before obtaining permanent residency ? (account in pesos).
I am intending to take up permanent residency in future but I need a bank account inside of a month.
Can anyone enlighten me on this rather urgent qn?
Many thanks, Sarah
You definitely do not need permanent residency. I have temporary residency, and Migraciones made me get the account before they would renew my temporary residency for a second year. My account is at Santander Rio. I did need the CDI to open it, but I can't remember if they required a DNI because I had one at the time so it wouldn't have been an issue for me. I opened it a year ago. Hope this helps.
You definitely do not need permanent residency. I have temporary residency, and Migraciones made me get the account before they would renew my temporary residency for a second year. My account is at Santander Rio. I did need the CDI to open it, but I can't remember if they required a DNI because I had one at the time so it wouldn't have been an issue for me. I opened it a year ago. Hope this helps.
Hi Florence, thanks for your mail. I am pretty confused about all this. I thought you couldn´t get a DNI without permanent residency but you did, so I must be wrong.
I haven´t put in any papers yet, because I´ve had surgery on my foot and it is hopeless trying to organise appointments and stuff when you can´t walk. However, the bank account thing means that I can´t buy an appartment, so now it becomes urgent to resolve it. I am going to try Santander Rio. Just one qn - what sort of acct did you open? Cuenta corriente? Caja de ahorros? Other? Maybe that makes a difference - altho the advice from Galicia and Banco Frances was equally clear - no permanent res.,no account of any type. Many thanks again, Sarah
My experience is that you don't need any kind of residency, DNI or bank account to buy an apartment. You can buy an apartment as a tourist. But you do need the CDI.

Residency is an entirely different thing. For residency, the sequence of events is first you get a visa for temporary residency. That entitles you to get the DNI. After you renew the visa, you also have to renew the DNI. To get the visa renewals, I have needed the bank account.
Thanks again for your advice. You´re right on all counts. The pb is, I wanted a bank acct in order to buy Argentine bonds. That´s the snag. Not so simple to bring US$ into the country in a way that is somehow justifiable without getting shafted on the official exchange rate.
Well, back to the drawing board now...Cheers, Sarah
I am getting married in less than 2 months to my argentinian girlfriend. What exactly am i entitled to? Residencia Precaria first and then after time I get more permanent status/rights?
I renewed a rentista visa last week, and it was also surprisingly painless for me.
The new system at RENAPER for the certificado de antecendentes penales requires that you get a turn, and if possible fill out the form online Then you go once with your passport or your DNI and a photocopy of same. A week later --or less if you pay more -- you can print out the certificate from any computer. If was amazingly efficient, and if you don´t want to wait at all outside, show up about 20 minutes after the time of your appointment. The appointment is good for a 30 minute window, Those who come in the latter part of the window get in immediately.

At migraciones, I was in and out in 30 minutes. The Migraciones website Click here: Dirección Nacional de Migraciones | Accesible said I needed my passport, my valid DNI, my certificado de antecendentes penales, a letter or other documentation that I was still receiving the required level of income( with certified translation), photocopies of all of them, and 600 pesos. Another website for the govt Click here: Argentina - Prórroga de Residencia Temporaria como Rentista said I also need a utility bill to document my address and something to show that the money was coming in through a bank. So just to be safe, i took along a gas bill and a bank statement, I didn't need the gas bill, but I did need the bank statement. The statement did not, in fact, show the money coming in, but it did show that I have a bank account here with money in it and that I use that money to pay some bills.

This was my second renewal, so as I left, i asked the guy if I just had to do the same thing next year to get permanent residency and he has " Yes... if they don't change the rules."

So basically to renew rentista visa you need to go through the whole process again of proof of income from abroad, apostille, official translation? Was hoping that wouldn't be the case as was a lot of time, hassle and money.. Sounds like its basically exactly the same as the initial application for rentista visa, minus the need for the foreign police certificate and birth certificate.. Is that right? (And plus the need to show bank account activity in Argentina)..
I am getting married in less than 2 months to my argentinian girlfriend. What exactly am i entitled to? Residencia Precaria first and then after time I get more permanent status/rights?

You get married, and you can get permanent residency immediately. Look around and there are other posts that tell you what you will need.