NEED HELP from expats that have or know expats with kids


Jan 24, 2011
I'm a university professor and planning to come to BA in July for the year with my husband and two kids. My understanding was that I'd be able to get some sort of work visa. I just spoke with the consulate in NYC, and apparently to get this, the university has to go through a huge hassle to "request my presence" with immigration in BA. It's a small university that, I think, doesn't regularly have foreign faculty, and I'd really rather not impose on them unless it's absolutely necessary. So, now I'm thinking (as others here have recommended) that we do the tourist visa thing (which I had hoped to avoid).

So, my question is - what papers will I need to enroll my kids in an Argentine private school? Do any of you have or know kids who are enrolled without DNIs/visas? We don't need official records to "reenroll" them in the US when we come back... And we're not intending to go to one of the really expensive schools like Lincoln, etc.

I'm feeling a little panicked right now, so any responses are most welcome. Thank you!
I called the Ministry of Education and spoke with the area of Primaria (6 to 10 years of age). They told me you it is enought to inscribe your kids in primaria showing the passport and the DNI only when you get it.

As I dont know the age of your kids, let me know if they are older so, if needed, I will call the other sector, called Media to ask for the info.
On a few occasions before I received my DNI I was asked to show my certificado residencia temporaria. I had already submitted it to the registro when applying for my DNI, but photocopies of the certificado were always accepted.

The question that remains to be answered is if a school will accept the passport with only a visa transitoria for enrollment.
The Ministerio de Educacion, Direccion de Educacion Primaria, told me that the passport is enought. After I get the comfirmation if the kids are in Primaria or Media school age, I will call again to ask if the certificado de residencia temporaria or any other document is required.
Roxana said:
I called the Ministry of Education and spoke with the area of Primaria (6 to 10 years of age). They told me you it is enought to inscribe your kids in primaria showing the passport and the DNI only when you get it.

As I dont know the age of your kids, let me know if they are older so, if needed, I will call the other sector, called Media to ask for the info.

Roxana, you get my vote for the Expats Oscars under the "Beyond the Call of Duty" category! Thank you so much for calling! Do the Ministry of Education rules apply to private as well as public schools? My kids are young (they'll be 4 and 6 when we enroll them). As Steve said, we'll need to figure out if a tourist visa and passport will do the trick. It's very encouraging that even the official word is that passports can work for enrollment - of course, we wouldn't even be seeking DNIs under the tourist visa scenario...
Im glad to help. I was an immigrant and when I was lost always met someone who helped me out, so I do it as a chain of favors.

All the information I am writing down is for public schools, as I spoke to the Ministry of Education.

To inscribe the children to school you need to bring (original and photocopy) of Birth Certificate, Vaccinations Certificate, parent's documents, child's documents.

If the eldest child when to school, what we call in Spanish boletin (notebook with the grades obtained)

Based on the age of birth, the grade is going to be decided. For instance, if the child is going to be 6 y/o up to 30 June, will be inscribed in first grade, however, if the child's birthday is on 4 August, for example, the child will be inscribed to start first grade in the year 2012.

The certificate of residence is required by the school because they can accept children living near the school.

If you are planning to inscribe the kids in a private school, let me know the area, or if you have any idea of the name of the school, and I will make the call to such school.

I hope this helps,
Good luck!
Roxana said:
Im glad to help. I was an immigrant and when I was lost always met someone who helped me out, so I do it as a chain of favors.

All the information I am writing down is for public schools, as I spoke to the Ministry of Education.

To inscribe the children to school you need to bring (original and photocopy) of Birth Certificate, Vaccinations Certificate, parent's documents, child's documents.

If the eldest child when to school, what we call in Spanish boletin (notebook with the grades obtained)

Based on the age of birth, the grade is going to be decided. For instance, if the child is going to be 6 y/o up to 30 June, will be inscribed in first grade, however, if the child's birthday is on 4 August, for example, the child will be inscribed to start first grade in the year 2012.

The certificate of residence is required by the school because they can accept children living near the school.

If you are planning to inscribe the kids in a private school, let me know the area, or if you have any idea of the name of the school, and I will make the call to such school.

I hope this helps,
Good luck!

We're looking at private schools in the Belgrano area - possibly Islands International (although other suggestions are welcome!).

Also, just so I'm clear, when you say "child's documents" and "parent's documents", which documents do you mean?

Thank you again!
The officer that answered the phone at the Ministry of Education said documents, I asked if she was referring to passports, and she said, all the documents they have, including passports. I am looking for the school you mentioned above and let you know during the day. By they way, when are you planning to arrive to Buenos Aires?
This is the 3rd year my Spain-born children will go to school here with no DNI - i just gave the school a photocopy of their passports. No problem whatsoever.
Roxana said:
The certificate of residence is required by the school because they can accept children living near the school.

Are you referring to the certificado de residencia temporaia from migraciones or a certificado de domicilio issued by the police? Hopefully, it's the latter as they are easy to obtain by paying ten pesos (per certificado) at the "nearest" comisaria and then waiting for them to be delivered (in one to three days).:)