Need help,....Looking for gift ideas for some senior friends...

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
I have a birthday to go to this weekend. The birthday boy just turned 83. He's wife turned 78 last month.
I wanted to get them Gift Cards from Carrefour so they could get what ever they wanted but Carrefour no longer sells them.
Does anybody know if there's a big department store here that has them?. They're well educated world travelers.
Both architects, I know them because they were friends with my parents.
no department stores in BA.
The Palacio Duhau Hotel may sell gift certificates to their restaurants
no department stores in BA.
The Palacio Duhau Hotel may sell gift certificates to their restaurants
Thank you Sergio. How about Walmart???.... Does anybody know if they have Gift Cards?
you could offer to charge money onto their SUBE cards! :)
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Do they travel and/or make purchases online? Amazon gift card maybe?
Thank you Neil and thank you Ben both excellent ideas !!!
Gives me something to work on.I'm thinking maybe one for each ?.
If someone gave a Falabella gift card to me and an Amazon one to my wife, or vice versa, that person would be responsible for some serious marital strife...
Walmart ? Farabella ? Sube ? Carrefour ? jeez, what about some great bottles of wine or a fabulous restaurant, you know a splurge!