New ARG banknotes will be printed with the faces of national heroes


Jun 6, 2005
19 May 2022
....Next Monday, the Gov,t will announce that the animals that decorate the banknotes will be replaced and that the national heroes will be brought back, in addition to incorporating female historical figures. According to what has been reported in the last hours, the current colors of the banknotes will be maintained, in order to avoid confusion in their daily use. Eva Perón will remain as the image of the $100 bill, although the design of this denomination will be renewed. In spite of the aesthetic renovation, it was learned that, for the time being, a higher denomination banknote will not be announced. Thus, the highest legal tender value banknote will continue to be the $1,000 peso....
More women on banknotes: which faces may appear?
The coordinator of the Gender and Public Policy Observatory, Victoria Freire, proposed in 2020 models with women and even published images with the new designs through her Twitter account....

Typical Peronist bullshit.

Print a bank note worth more than $5? No, instead piss away even more money changing something that wasn't broken
without addressing the fact these bills are worthless. And because Albertudo asked, I like the animals and nature, they're
the nice things about Argentina, not controversial or polarizing (after all, as the saying goes, El problema de la Argentina
son los argentinos)
Typical Peronist bullshit.

Print a bank note worth more than $5? No, instead piss away even more money changing something that wasn't broken
without addressing the fact these bills are worthless. And because Albertudo asked, I like the animals and nature, they're
the nice things about Argentina, not controversial or polarizing (after all, as the saying goes, El problema de la Argentina
son los argentinos)
Macri changed the bills from national heroes (same as in EVERY COUNTRY) to animals, 'changing something that wasn't broken', as you put it. This is just a restoration to how it was previously. Curiously, no words like this were spoken here when Macri did that and you actually say that you like it. So, when he did it, it wasn't 'pissing away money'? It was actually a good thing, somehow, because you like the pretty pictures? The cost is no longer a concern? Interesting dissonance. By the way, a simple visual redesign of the currency is very trivial cost wise, no idea where you got the idea that it's some incredibly expensive endeavour and that somehow rediverting those resources could possibly do anything to flight inflation.

You're framing a completely normal thing - almost every country has national figures on banknotes, including your own doubtlessly - as somehow horrible. It really shows just how deep the desire to hate goes. Combined with your thinking that 'the problem with Argentina is the Argentines', it sounds like you just hate the country and its people and might want to consider leaving - perhaps back home? I hear people who invent fake news can go pretty far in the US.
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Macri changed the bills from national heroes (same as in EVERY COUNTRY) to animals, 'changing something that wasn't broken', as you put it. This is just a restoration to how it was previously. Curiously, no words like this were spoken here when Macri did that and you actually say that you like it. So, when he did it, it wasn't 'pissing away money'? It was actually a good thing, somehow, because you like the pretty pictures? The cost is no longer a concern? Interesting dissonance. By the way, a simple visual redesign of the currency is very trivial cost wise, no idea where you got the idea that it's some incredibly expensive endeavour and that somehow rediverting those resources could possibly do anything to flight inflation.

You're framing a completely normal thing - almost every country has national figures on banknotes, including your own doubtlessly - as somehow horrible. It really shows just how deep the desire to hate goes. Combined with your thinking that 'the problem with Argentina is the Argentines', it sounds like you just hate the country and its people and might want to consider leaving - perhaps back home? I hear people who invent fake news can go pretty far in the US.

in 2016 for the 4th series did they not add the 200, 500 and 1000 pesos banknotes as the newest denominations???
And since 2019 do you not realise how much more notes were printed based on this series???
I was hoping for a 5000 or 10000 peso note to avoid taking a suitcase to WU...
16 May 2022 by Pablo Fernandez Blanco
The $5000 bill. Despite Alberto Fernández's refusal, it has a design, it is in production and there is a delivery date....The production of the new $5000 bill is very advanced: the paper and inks have already been purchased -something in which the State has invested around 9 million dollars-, it will cost almost $6 per unit, its design has been completed, its security measures have been defined and the delivery schedule has been set. The first batch should be in the hands of the Banco Central led by Miguel Pesce in mid-June. Then, the helm of the monetary entity will define whether to put it on the street and contradict the President. Both have an additional pressure: the pandemic has changed people's relationship with money, so that the public takes refuge in "the physical" and demand has increased. In other words: if the new denomination does not circulate, there could be a shortage of money....