New book claims Hitler died in Argentina


Jun 20, 2006

NEW book claims that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in Berlin in 1945, but actually ended his days in Argentina.
British journalist Gerrard Williams told Sky News today he and co-author Simon Dunstan found an "overwhelming amount of evidence" to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.
Most historians say the Nazi leader died in his Berlin bunker in 1945, but Williams claims their research, looking at newly declassified documents and forensic tests, challenges this.
"We didn't want to rewrite history, but the evidence we've discovered about the escape of Adolf Hitler is just too overwhelming to ignore," he said.
"There is no forensic evidence for his, or Eva Braun's death, and the stories from the eyewitnesses to their continued survival in Argentina are compelling."
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler claims the Fuhrer and his mistress Eva Braun were secretly flown out of Germany in April 1945 and taken to fascist-controlled Argentina.
It is alleged Hitler lived in the country for 17 years until his death in 1962.
The book also accuses US intelligence of being complicit in the scam in return for access to Nazi war technology.
"Stalin, Eisenhower and Hoover of the FBI all knew there was no proof of him dying in the bunker," Williams told Sky News.
"It's difficult to understand why so much of the already published material we present in the book has been ignored over the years."
He added that the book's new findings prove the "Hitler" skull fragments held by Russia are actually that of a young woman.
Williams said he and Dunstan conducted intensive field research in Argentina, including interviews with many eyewitnesses to Hitler's presence there.
The film Grey Wolf is in production and is expected to be released in January 2012.
Read more at Sky News.
citymike said:
Pocho is you without your beard!
Ha Ha ! Belly laugh on that one, but I think he scores more skirt than I do !:D
I saw a notice where they said that elvis its still alive as an old man, living close to leloir park since 1976. In fact they show a video where an old man too similar to elvis as old man was being helped to get in a car from his whell chair.
About the fuhrer... The only thing that a know its that "general peron" was a friend of hem before the war. For those who say as a joke: "you are more lonely than hitler in the friendships day"..
perry said:

NEW book claims that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in Berlin in 1945, but actually ended his days in Argentina.
British journalist Gerrard Williams told Sky News today he and co-author Simon Dunstan found an "overwhelming amount of evidence" to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.
Most historians say the Nazi leader died in his Berlin bunker in 1945, but Williams claims their research, looking at newly declassified documents and forensic tests, challenges this.
"We didn't want to rewrite history, but the evidence we've discovered about the escape of Adolf Hitler is just too overwhelming to ignore," he said.
"There is no forensic evidence for his, or Eva Braun's death, and the stories from the eyewitnesses to their continued survival in Argentina are compelling."
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler claims the Fuhrer and his mistress Eva Braun were secretly flown out of Germany in April 1945 and taken to fascist-controlled Argentina.
It is alleged Hitler lived in the country for 17 years until his death in 1962.
The book also accuses US intelligence of being complicit in the scam in return for access to Nazi war technology.
"Stalin, Eisenhower and Hoover of the FBI all knew there was no proof of him dying in the bunker," Williams told Sky News.
"It's difficult to understand why so much of the already published material we present in the book has been ignored over the years."
He added that the book's new findings prove the "Hitler" skull fragments held by Russia are actually that of a young woman.
Williams said he and Dunstan conducted intensive field research in Argentina, including interviews with many eyewitnesses to Hitler's presence there.
The film Grey Wolf is in production and is expected to be released in January 2012.
Read more at Sky News.

I actually have read a book not long ago that has this same theory. The book is a few years old already, published january 2000, by Patrick Burnside. And it makes a lot of sense!!