New help in finding.....


Jun 18, 2012
Hello my fellow expats..... can anyone help me with finding a Notary in BA:confused. I believe its called un escribano (not sure)!! its URGENT.

My ex from the states sent me divorce papers to sign n get it notarize, i need to do this this ASAP!! hope some1 can help!!

I would think you need a US notary for this purpose. You need to contact the US Embassy.
there was a recent thread on something like this , you wish to search it. best of luck.
The US Consulate will notarize your signature, with validity in the US
Paola_Briceno said:
My ex from the states sent me divorce papers to sign n get it notarize, i need to do this this ASAP!! hope some1 can help!!


I had the exact same problem myself when I first moved down here.

Keep in mind that you need to make an appointment at the embassy to get it done. Easiest way is probably via email but they may have a phone number you could call, don't remember. I used email. They may give you a date two weeks out - if you need it sooner, I believe you can request an emergency appointment.

It's a bit expensive, if I recall correctly, something like U$D 40 (possibly more?).

The escribano will definitely not work, at least not in Harris Country in Houston.