New Here And Looking For Work

:)ok slight exaggeration its a year and half and my son was born here, and probably because I had the best citizenship lawyer Christian Rubilar.

I have had office administration experience but I understand that's not much good to me here with limited Spanish, plus no knowledge of running any business hence humble beginning.

thankyou all for your replies :)
:)ok slight exaggeration its a year and half and my son was born here, and probably because I had the best citizenship lawyer Christian Rubilar.


You know you would have automatically gotten permanent residence as your son was born here correct?

As for the rest, where are you living? Typically grooms or the like either live very close (or on the property) to the barns where they are working. They also average probably 4K a month in salary, almost always in black and they will be all spanish speaking and typically (thinking how to say this politely), you're not talking about the most highly educated of workers. I'm not sure that's a realistic way to go for you.
yes, but I wanted the citizenship.

The idea is to someday have my own place, so to learn that its always best to start from ground level, but yes Spanish is an obstacle which hopefully I will overcome in due course. The bigger obstacle is that Im a woman and this is a mans world, so I will be laughed at and bullied a lot, first in here and then in the real world.

If 4k pays my house rent and a little more in a small town, then Im ok with it :)
I certainly wasn't trying to bully you, just offer some real life perspective. A groom's salary won't be enough to provide for you and your son if you are the sole wage earner. And I'm sure you know but grooms work long hours so you'll need someone to watch your son.

I might suggest you try to market yourself as more of a guest coordinator or concierge type of person at a polo estancia if you're interested in that route. They might offer you housing and your english would probably come in handy. There are also courses you can take with CEPADMA that will earn you a certificate in equine studies and allow you to make connections and improve your spanish. Best of luck.
yes, but I wanted the citizenship.

The idea is to someday have my own place, so to learn that its always best to start from ground level, but yes Spanish is an obstacle which hopefully I will overcome in due course. The bigger obstacle is that Im a woman and this is a mans world, so I will be laughed at and bullied a lot, first in here and then in the real world.

If 4k pays my house rent and a little more in a small town, then Im ok with it :)

I don't think you'll be bullied. I had to take two different driving courses to obtain my professional driver's license and I was always the only woman in the class, or maybe there was one other in a class filled with taxi and truck drivers. Everyone treated me with the utmost respect. The only person that laughed at me was a woman, but none of the men made jokes. I think people here understand that you have to do what you have to in order to make a living.