New old-guy!


May 17, 2012
After visiting friends in Bs.As. every year for 22 years, acquiring a family of "adopted" brothers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, etc., AND traveling there on the job for an American corporation, I am now planning to retire to Buenos Aires. After 35 years of marriage, my wife wants to separate. I always vowed that if I lost her, one way or another, I would embrace expatriate status, and now is the time. Sad as I am about the loss of a woman I will always love, I am nonetheless anxious become the Porteno (not able to put the tilde over the "n" on this keyboard) that I have wanted to be for so long.
new beginnings. inner growth. your going to do great! love you, be true, and have a blast!
Great way to start a new life. Changes bring new beginnings someone told me once. Make sure you let us know when you are here we can all "oldies" go for a drink or cafe

best of luck
Sorry to hear your news. I separated from my wife 11 years ago and although I'll never again love anyone the way I loved her, it's been a great eleven years full of adventure. I agree with Supercharged, let's have a drink when you get here.

I wish you all the best in BsAs.
I know various cases of 'older' guys falling in love with an portena or atleast an LatAm girl and some even having a second family

Good luck in your goals :)
I have an immaculate 2 bdrm apt in the recoleta I may want to sell. If you are looking let me know.