New Soya Burgers For Vegetarians!


Apr 16, 2010

ham is a vegetable right? :lol:
Ghost, you're funny, but not off track.

You could not pay me to eat soy. Like you said full of Roundup, but also I think all soy in Argentina is genetically modified. Now all you guys that want to argue about whether it's healthy to eat GM food no matter how big the tumors get on those rats that eat it, you're not a rat, just go right ahead and eat it. I don't care. But I don't eat soy anywhere. You can make veggie burgers that are tasty though, without soy.
Ghost, you're funny, but not off track.

You could not pay me to eat soy. Like you said full of Roundup, but also I think all soy in Argentina is genetically modified. Now all you guys that want to argue about whether it's healthy to eat GM food no matter how big the tumors get on those rats that eat it, you're not a rat, just go right ahead and eat it. I don't care. But I don't eat soy anywhere. You can make veggie burgers that are tasty though, without soy.

Again with that? Until you share with us all the information you have that somehow turns that single scientifically flawed study (not even tested for statistical significance on top of all the shonky methodology, nor can anyone else test it because they won't release the full set of data) into a scientfically sound, peer reviewed, statistically significant trial that has had its results independently reproduced on numerous occasions I'm just going to throw you the same quote...

This single study that you have continually referred to and attach so much importance to (whilst ignoring so many others that show no evidence of adverse health effects in GM foods) is flawed in numerous ways. I would take the time to explain that to you if I thought you would be interested but as you are now putting your own lies and misinterpretations on top of the bad science and cunning PR of the study team (repeat offenders in using shonky science to try to arrive at the same conclusion) its clear that, like them, you are only interested in having your suspicions proved correct.

PS - Also the study was about a specific type of modification made to maize.
This isn't related to the soy vs no soy argument...but if anyone is actually looking for decent veggie burgers the market located on Avenida Bonpland between Honduras and Gorriti sells them. 50 pesos for a packet of two, but they are quite big and are pretty tasty.

There is an organic fair once a month, this weekend at Barrio Chino. There they have quinoa, soy, mijo, and other vegan burgers,
Pauper and anyone else, you go right ahead and eat it with my blessing. My responsibility ends when I post it. After that the ball is in your court. I post this stuff because I care about you--not to convince only inform. Bon appetit! :D
And Ghost, I had the same question as glasgowjohn. Please tell us how you know what dog doo tastes like. Sounds like an interesting story! ;)