Newbie About To Arrive In Ba


Aug 5, 2013
Good morning everyone. I have gone through the threads and tried to glean as much knowledge as I could prior to posting. So I am a single woman moving from San Diego. I am coming in September to look for a place to live. I am a writer and would love to live around like minds if possible. Mostly I want a safe affordable place. I've been reading and researching since 2010 and am ready to make a move. Any advice is appreciated. I do have a two pound dog and would like to keep my rent below $800 per month. If I am looking for a three month rental will I be required to pay the full amount up front? Again thank you all.
Welcome Judith,
There are many good people here will gladly help you.
Good luck and keep us posted.

Welcome Judith
Wishing you the best of luck on this new project!
Bring lots of peanut butter and cherrios!!!
If i can help in anyway count on me,however i don't live in the city.
I also moved from San Diego. Are you crazy? Look outside your window! You have a 'real' beach somewhere nearby, yes? The nearest beach like that to BA is in Brazil.

Ok, only half-serious. I do miss the beach, Cowles' Mountain, triathlons, Mexican food, Thai food, Balboa Park, the desert, Trader Joe's, fish tacos, Coronado, Point Loma ... ... crap, now I'm really depressed! LOL

I am interested in getting a serious writer's group together. What is the genre of your writing?
Hi GS Dirtboy,
Yes all those things are great but it's time for a little growth and new cultural experiences. I am currently wrapping up a memoir but love fiction with short stories being the love of my life. So how have you adjusted to life in BA?