Newbie to BA


Jun 30, 2010
My partner and I are arriving in BA in a couple of weeks for about 3 to 4 months. Any advice?

Will be looking for a 1 bedroom or studio (comtemporary) in Ricoletta. Will have a small dog with us so nearby parks would be great. Wanted something nice but budgeted (can you get both)?
Off the bat I want to say "no". But I don't know for you what does "budgeted" mean?
I really wish I could say yes, but I feel like the real answer is no :(

It took us nearly a year to be able to get a rent in pesos, so we have a nice monoambiente that has a pretty low rent in pesos, but most other people (well, people from other countries anyway) end up paying rent in dollars and its usually quit expensive.

But this is just my experience... Maybe somebody else has better advice. The only way to pay in pesos is to have a garantia or to pay for several months in advanced, but since you aren't going to be here that long that probably won't work for you. You can find nice one room apartments for around 500 or 600 dollars. (to me that's a lot, but if you have dollars its pretty good.)