I brought my two med/large dogs here from s.f. It was much easier and much less harrowing for them than I had expected. Getting them in is no problem: 1) go to your vet in the U.S. and get 2 certificates--one for general health and climitization and the other for rabies; 2) take those to the USDA in your area and get certifications; 3) show your documents to the airlines when you check your dogs; and 4) show these same documents to immigration officials in Argentina and pay a fee (it was $26 U.S. for my two dogs).
Re the airlines: check with each airline to find out: 1) what their requirements are re kennels, documentation, and climitization (i.e., some airlines will not fly pets if there is any stop along the route where the temperture is below 20 degrees F and above 85, or something like that); 2) how much they will charge you--some charge per pet, others by weight; and 3) whether they think there will be any problem getting your pets on the flight--American Airlines told me that it was first come, first served but that they have never had so many pets that they needed to turn someone away.
Re the pet experience: the airlines advise you not to tranquilize dogs (not sure re cats) but this seems to come from fear of liability. i spoke with my vet about this and he recommended that on a trip expected to last over 18 hours, i should give them something. I experimented with dosages beforehand, however. Prior to the trip, on at least three occasions, I gave the dogs certain dosages and watched them all day to see how they reacted so I would know what was enough. the pills didn't knock them out, just made them very sleepy and calm. they generally last only 10 hours, though, and you can't give them additional pills during the trip--so i just had to accept that they would not be sedated during the last half of the trip. I also put their kennels out with the doors open about a month before the trip so they could walk into them, sniff them, sleep in them. This way, they actually loved the kennels (and still do) and walked right into them before the flight.
Our trip was longer than I'd expected because of delays in Miami and then on the ground in Bs.As. and I was freaking out with worry. But they were just fine when I picked them up at baggage check. A little quiet, perhaps stunned, but just fine. And all this despite the fact that they couldn't go to the bathroom at all during the flight and had not eaten for about 20 hours. I did put water in little bowls that hung on the cage doors, and it is possible that people in Miami refilled these, but I think the dogs were too nervous to drink from them anyway.
Ok, i think that covers it, but if you have any more questions, feel free to send me a note.