Next Buenos Aires Hash Run - Mar 28th


May 24, 2009
Well, here it is the information on the next Hash Run. We are out of the Capital area this week, which makes it more of a challenge to get to, but far from impossible, and as you can see there is a bus route - It will also be far more fun out of the city confines, and a great day out for all is guaranteed :)...

I've even provided the details in Spanish as well as English....

Any queries, PM me, or question below?


BAHHH Hash Nbr.510 in CAMPANA!!!

Día/Date: 28 de Marzo / March 28th.

Hora/Time: 11:00hs/11am (salimos/running at 11:30hs.)


Que llevar/What to bring:

  • plate, cutlery, MUG and Off.
  • And WINE if you won't be provided!
Fee: 15$

Que NO llevar/What NOT to bring: DOGS or any animals

Como llegar/ How to come:
En auto / By car (aproximadamente una hora de viaje desde Capital Federal) (aproximately one hour from Down Town)
· Tomar Autopista Panamericana. Cuando se divide en dos (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 aproximadamente, después de salida EL TALAR), tomar a la derecha (ramal Campana, RUTA 9). Take PANAMERICANA HIGHWAY, and when it splits into two highways (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 approximately, after EL TALAR Exit), take at the right (ramal Campana, RUTA 9).
· Seguir por esta autopista en dirección a CAMPANA. Una vez que pasan la entrada a la ciudad de CAMPANA (aproximadamente km.80), se ve a mano derecha una empresa de GRUAS TECMACO, seguir adelante y luego de pasar TECMACO (300 metros ) salir a la derecha, tiene un cartel pequeño que dice " A CAPILLA DEL SEÑOR" . Keep this way towards CAMPANA, and once you pass CAMPANA city Exit, (approximately km. 80) you will see at your right, a sign saying “GRUAS TECMACO". Keep on, and once you overcome TECMACO (1000 feet) take the Exit at your right, there is a little announcement marked as "A CAPILLA DEL SEÑOR".
· Una vez que salieron de la PANAMERICANA en esa salida, hay un puente que atraviesa la PANAMERICANA. Cruzar por el puente hacia la izquierda, cuando bajan del mismo a los 100 metros el camino se divide en 2, tomar el de la izquierda, en paralelo a la PANAMERICANA , como volviendo para Buenos Aires por dentro. Once you left the PANAMERICANA highway, you will see a bridge crossing the PANAMERICANA. Cross the bridge to the left side, and 300 feet further the road split into two, take the left one. You are in parallel to the PANAMERICANA, as coming back to Buenos Aires in an inner road.
· Este camino es de asfalto, cuando termina el asfalto, a los 2000 metros aproximadamente encontraran una tranquera color rosa del lado izquierdo, esa es La Dionisia. This road is on asphalt, when the asphalt ends and turns into an earthed road, keep on for another 1 1/4 mile, and you´ll see at your left a pink "wooden rancho door" (tranquera). This is LA DIONISIA.

En BUS / by BUS

  • Tomar el expreso Chevallier Metropolitana (sale de Plaza Once) que va a Zarate, bajarse en Campana y tomar un remis siguiendo las instrucciones desde la ciudad de campana.
  • Take the EXPRESO CHEVALLIER METROPOLITANA (departure at "PLAZA ONCE") to ZARATE. Go down at CAMPANA exit, and take a REMIS following the instructions above.
Sorry, I'm sure this will sound silly, but I'm new to baexpacts; what exactly is a hash run?
Legilber - A Valid question to those new to the world of the Hash House Harriers. This is what I posted last year ro try and explain the idea. Basically it's a fun day out, with social running (or walking), and meeting with friends, new and old, lcoals and ex-pats, residents and visitors. We usually run in a location accessible by the wonderful public transport in BsAs, although this weekend is a little further out than the norm. I hope this gives a flavour of what we are all about, and if you would like any more info feel free to ask.

We run here in Buenos Aires every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, although the next Hash will be on Saturday April 10th, in San Telmo, and will be a little different - Stay tuned, all will be revealed next week.....

If you are unsure what hashing is all about, it is known as "The Drinking Club with A Running problem". Basically we meet up, and some people (the hares) have run ahead and set a trail for the rest (the pack) to follow. Now, you can run hard, be athletic, or you can plod along, even walk, the trail caters for all sorts, and everyone is welcome, from 2 to 92. Its non-competitive, a fun way to see the place, and once the running/walking is over, we all settle down, enjoy a few beers, a bite to eat (hence the small charge), and swop tales and jokes, and make friends - some you will have for life! If you are not careful you might well get a down-down, but i won't explain that to the uninitiated, you will just have to come along to see for yourselves.

Seriously - it's not serious - It's fun, and as I say, a great way to meet people. If you are travelling around, you are likely to find Hash House Harriers in most major cities around the world, and even some very remote places have kennels (the name given to a local hash). So, come along, give it a try, you will return.....
I will vouch for that.It,s a real good laugh and I had a great time when I went on the last one........HIC!!!
Well, I couldn't make it today but I will definitely be partaking in the next one on April 10th. I mean, I love to run and to drink. Pretty sure that's a little slice of heaven right there! I'll keep my eyes pealed for info about the next one. Thanks so much for the explanation!