No more Valium

All clonazepam should be the same, I agree.
But they are not. I spoke with the doc about this and his theory was the rate of absorption in the body. The locally brewed version hits quickly apparently, but doesn't stay in the body so long, hence my bad reaction. Que se yo!
Medical doctors tell me that until some years ago, the system here was modeled along French lines. Studies required French because the technical papers they used were mostly French publications. Gradually that has changed in favor of Anglo-American models and publications, but I notice the Euro orientation persists, especially with regard to common prescriptions.

For example, diazepam (Valium) is almost never prescribed here. They use clonazepam in the same way US doctors use diazepam, and diazepam has traditionally been harder to find.

Another example is famotidine (Pepcid), which is a standard stomach remedy not only for humans but for dogs in the US, but it is almost never used here, and it's almost impossible to find even the licensed brands in a farmacia. The local equivalent is ranitidine (Zantac in the US), which every médico and veterinario prescribes daily.

Regarding clonazepam, I was in the big famacia PmasP (ex Rural) in the Plaza Italia yesterday, when the client next to me at the counter presented a receta. The clerk read "clonazepam" and asked what marca she wanted, but the lady didn't know. So the clerk returned with 3 or 4 different packages for her to choose from. At least in that store there was no shortage.
To use illegal drugs is considered legal by the federal Chamber and the Supreme Court. However, anxiolytic are legal drugs whose purchase is restricted.

Without judging people who use cocaine, it s not my problem, they use clonazepam for sleeping and they buy it there. And this information was provided by the narcotic CSI of the Federal Police at the subject "Techniques on criminal investigation" at the UBA while I was a student.

According to the PFA experts, the reason valium is not prescribed here is because it might produce physical addiction while other pils or illegal drugs produce only psicological addiction. Only valium, heroine, extasis and paco produce physical addiction. Alcohool and cocaine might produce it too but only on extreme cases.

Bajo_cero2 said:
To use drugs is considered legal by the federal Chamber and the Supreme Court.

Without judging people who use cocaine, it s not my problem, they use clonazepam for sleeping and they buy it there. And this information was provided by the narcotic CSI of the Federal Police at the subject "Techniques on criminal investigation" at the UBA while I was a student.

According to the PFA experts, the reason valium is not prescribed here is because it might produce physical addiction while other pils or illegal drugs produce only psicological addiction. Only valium, heroine, extasis and paco produce physical addiction. Alcohool and cocaine might produce it too but only on extreme cases.


so very true! Although I use Benzodiazepine myself from time to time, I would not recommend that to anyone unaware of the risks. The withdrawal from Benzodiazepines can be as long as TWO YEARS with physical and psychological pain and problems, including seizures and psychosis. No one should take something like clonazepam (with a half life of 50 hrs) more than once a week. Physiological, compared to many "illegal" substances it is one of the worst choices - this does not mean that I recommend to anyone taking illegal substances or that I do it myself, but it holds true from a medical point of view.
Well, at that subject, the narcotic police explained us that the main issue in this country is the addiction to legal drugs like anxiolytics.

The main problem they have is the rebound effect. The side effects of abusing of them or to used them without professional survillance includes paranoia, dementia, auditory and visual hallucinations, among others.

To use a fake receta is illegal but to buy them without one is not.

To abuse of anxiolytics is legal, however, not recommendable.

The addicts to those drugs are mainly seniors according to the police.

I take 0.5Mg Rivotril (Clonazepam) and the medic that I see prescribes 1/2 or 1 pill per day, not per week.
Gringoboy said:
I take 0.5Mg Rivotril (Clonazepam) and the medic that I see prescribes 1/2 or 1 pill per day, not per week.

You may want to inform yourself about what you are taking:

Long term effects:
The long term effects of clonazepam can include depression, disinhibition, and sexual dysfunction.[56] Long-term use of benzodiazepines is also associated with cognitive impairments that can persist for at least six months post-withdrawal, but it is unclear whether these impairments take more than six months to abate or if they are permanent. Benzodiazepines may cause or worsen depression.

Abrupt or over-rapid withdrawal from clonazepam may result in the development of the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, causing psychosis characterised by dysphoric manifestations, irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety, and hallucinations.[67][68][69] Sudden withdrawal may also induce the potentially life threatening condition status epilepticus. Antiepileptic drugs, benzodiazepines such as clonazepam in particular, should be reduced slowly and gradually when discontinuing the drug to reduce withdrawal effects.[48] Carbamazepine has been trialed in the treatment of clonazepam withdrawal and has been found to be ineffective in preventing clonazepam withdrawal status epilepticus from occurring.

Sadly, the Medics nowadays are more or less brainwashed by the pharma industry. Maybe it is the perfect treatment for you, maybe can only decide with your Doc.

As said, Clonazepam has a half life of 30-50 hours. this means that it takes 30-50 hrs for the body to eliminate 50% of the Substance in your body. This means that in any case one Clonazepam EVERY day results in a higher dose and thus tolerance every day.

All the substances talked about in this thread...Valium, Cloanzepam and others like Xanax (Alprazolam), Lorazepam, Lormetazepam, Oxazepam,.... are Benzodiazepines. You may inform yourself about them in general here:

Take care...
Gringoboy said:
I take 0.5Mg Rivotril (Clonazepam) and the medic that I see prescribes 1/2 or 1 pill per day, not per week.

Somebody who is addicted to cocaine uses no less of 4 mg for falling sleept. And they use vodka to avoid the cocaine overdozing. So, the cocktel is very strong: Cocaine plus alcohol plus no less of 4 mg of clorazepam.

And when I mention seniors who are adicted, they usually do the same without the cocaine.

So, this is ten times worst than marihuana or any other illegal drug but it is legal and nobody talks about it.
