No TV in furnished apartment


Jan 24, 2011
I've been looking at furnished apartments, and found a couple that I liked that did not have TV or cable. I'm just wondering how challenging/expensive this would be to have changed (we'll be there for a year). How much would a basic TV (maybe 25") cost? How much is cable per month (assuming the landlord puts it in - I know we wouldn't be able to)? Is this common?

No it isn`t common I have a flat that I rent in Villa Crespo and never crossed my mind not to have a telly, rent covers normally internet and cable.
Cable is going to cost you at least $120 pesos per month and you may have to wait for a long time for them to come and install, and call and call when it doesn't work the first few times. I would ask for it to be installed prior to your arrival or find a different apartment. A TV (used) will cost you around $700 pesos and new over $1,000 pesos for something basic.
JUST RENT ONE THAT HAS SERVICE.... if you are short timer or semi short timer here.... it will be way too much trouble to have cable and internet installed and for you to buy a TV.. yes a tv will cost 700-1300 pesos and like the others said... ordering service can be a long ordeal.... just rent a place that have a TV and internet service...
No TV in a furnished rental? That's ridiculous - I'd keep looking around. I'm currently fixing up an apartment in Palermo that I'll be renting out and one of the first things I bought was a 42'' flat screen. Cable and wifi will obviously be included as well.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. Our challenge is that we need a decent-size three bedroom (preferably in Belgrano) that's not overly expensive - I haven't seen that many options. Since we're going to be in BA for a year, we're also going to bring the "tools" to set up Netflix, Hulu, etc on a tv - with these, cable might not be necessary. The place already has internet access (that's a dealbreaker, more than cable, for us).
TV prices are high (much more than $700 - $1300 pesos for a flat screen). Check for examples. The prices will be the same across all the major stores.

Also, you will have to get the landlord to sign up for cable service as you will not be able to get it in your name without a DNI.

I have a Mac Mini hooked up to my TV and almost exclusively use that for all my TV viewing. Don't expect the Internet connection to work well here for streaming Netflix, etc. And, Hulu will not work in Argentina without a proxy service that is also going to slow things down.

If you're feeling adventurous, bring a LED TV with you. I brought a 46" and saved over U$S 2000. Plus, you'll very easily be able to resell it for more than you paid when you leave.