North Carolinian living in Argentina for 10 years


Jun 25, 2024
Hello everyone! My name is Mike, and I've been living in Argentina for almost 10 years (in December I'll have been here for 10 years).

I came here in December of 2014 and I haven't left once, not even to visit the States.

I came here with my family. We decided that we didn't want to live in the US anymore, so we looked for another country to move to, and we ended up here.

When we came, we moved directly to Córdoba, and now some of us live in Córdoba and some in Buenos Aires.

I had been living in Córdoba, in a small town in the mountains for about 6 years and then I met a girl from Buenos Aires while working as an English teacher.

We started dating and now we're talking about getting married maybe sometime this year.

I now live in Buenos Aires, still working as an English teacher and am starting a company with my brother and some other friends. We're going to offer English immersion camps to Argentine students learning English.

Apart from this, in my free time I play the guitar (I started a few years ago) and I also make homemade granola to sell.

People from here say my Spanish accent is almost native, but after a few scentences, people always notice that I'm not from here.

Anyways, this looks like a great community, so I thought I'd introduce myself.

Thanks for reading!
Hello everyone! My name is Mike, and I've been living in Argentina for almost 10 years (in December I'll have been here for 10 years).

I came here in December of 2014 and I haven't left once, not even to visit the States.

I came here with my family. We decided that we didn't want to live in the US anymore, so we looked for another country to move to, and we ended up here.

When we came, we moved directly to Córdoba, and now some of us live in Córdoba and some in Buenos Aires.

I had been living in Córdoba, in a small town in the mountains for about 6 years and then I met a girl from Buenos Aires while working as an English teacher.

We started dating and now we're talking about getting married maybe sometime this year.

I now live in Buenos Aires, still working as an English teacher and am starting a company with my brother and some other friends. We're going to offer English immersion camps to Argentine students learning English.

Apart from this, in my free time I play the guitar (I started a few years ago) and I also make homemade granola to sell.

People from here say my Spanish accent is almost native, but after a few scentences, people always notice that I'm not from here.

Anyways, this looks like a great community, so I thought I'd introduce myself.

Thanks for reading!

If you're in BA come to the weekly Tuesday coffee chat!
Oh sounds nice! Where and when is it?

Check the forum next week Monday afternoon. Should be same time and place

Here's the details for this week