OBAMA Speech in Cairo was a 10+ AMAZING !!!


Mar 17, 2008
WOW, CAN THIS GUY GIVE A SPEECH !!! (like The Stones used to give a performance, The Beatles used to write an amazing song, and Dylan put words together to give use beautiful lyrics and poetry). The few on here that don't see it choose to not ACCEPT it (I can imagine how tough it is when Bush was their 8 year long hero). I would feel that way to if my present top guys were Rush Limbaugh , Newt Gingritch, and Dick Cheney.... the 3 No-Can-Do Stooges/hot air machines who have NOTHING new or fresh to offer.....

For those who missed it..... HERE'S GENIUS..


PART TWO (some overlap)

There's more coming, I'll add it later...........
Agree completely, Dude. I watched the speech in a state of astonishment. It was the right speech, in the right place, at the right time, although one wishes such a speech (and the wisdom behind it) could have been made 8 years ago. What we might have saved ourselves. But try to get a picture in your mind of Bush or Chaney or anyone of their ilk -- Limbaugh, Rumsfeld, Addington, ad nauseam -- making a speech like that, in a place like that, even if any of them were remotely capable of developing those thoughts or being able to express them so clearly and dramatically. Suppose they would have been cheered, regularly applauded, given a standing ovation?

On the other hand ... I am very curious to see what happens next.

I know the detractors are salivating in the wings, but for this moment, I am going to enjoy the pure pleasure and pride of being an American (again).
The man is one of the modern world's greatest orators; what he says is lucid, intelligent and humane.
Prediction - pretty soon now the 'Christian' right will be calling him the antichrist.
I read the speech. He does refer to colonialism in the beginning. That much I'll give him. As for the rest -- *shrug* -- my opinion coincides with revsocialist. And nothing will change on the ground.
You're a little behind, harpo. Obama has been called the antichrist, among other interesting things, by the lunatic fringe since campaign days. This is every wackos worse nightmare -- a literate, intelligent, well-spoken, and powerful Liberal, who as a by the way happens to virtually embody as example every single element that has made the United States a powerful nation. If that power has waned ... and it probably has... it is a direct result of one of the major political parties pandering to the point of groveling before the very elements of the lunatic fringe that so despise President Obama, who think he is the very devil on earth. If any of it returns, it will be the direct result of who President Obama is and what he represents to the wider world. I believe that in a hundred years, this will be seen as the greatest hope the United States had to recover what has been flagrantly squandered during the previous decade. Of course, none of us will be around for the told you sos.

And a PS to Wolf. Reading the speech probably has half or less of the impact of seeing it live, of watching and listening to the reactions of a Muslim audience. It was stunning! Remains to be seen if your hope that "nothing changes on the ground" will be the case. If you're right, and the last, best hope can change nothing, then it is truly hopeless and we might as well get in line for the Rapture.
Poor old Revsocialist! Seems to think the various branches of Islamofascism and antisemites he courts will support him in his glorious Marxist struggle. He'll be first up against the wall when Sharia law comes a'callin' down his neck of the woods.

Seriously though, Obama made an excellent speech and said he knew things wouldn't change overnight. Cynicism is an easy and lazy response; (and predictably consistent from certain quarters).
HDM said:
And a PS to Wolf. Reading the speech probably has half or less of the impact of seeing it live, of watching and listening to the reactions of a Muslim audience. It was stunning! Remains to be seen if your hope that "nothing changes on the ground" will be the case. If you're right, and the last, best hope can change nothing, then it is truly hopeless and we might as well get in line for the Rapture.

Sure, oratory has a visceral impact. That's why I'm suspicious of it and prefer to read the speeches with a toothcomb. And apparently so has Noam Chomsky, whose analysis can be read here.

People here seem to be swooning with the emotional impact of another instance of demagoguery. They need to be examining what exactly is new, what exactly will be different in policy and implementation. The devil's in the details.
bigbadwolf said:
Sure, oratory has a visceral impact. That's why I'm suspicious of it and prefer to read the speeches with a toothcomb. And apparently so has Noam Chomsky, whose analysis can be read here.

People here seem to be swooning with the emotional impact of another instance of demgoguery. They need to be examining what exactly is new, what exactly will be different in policy and implementation. The devil's in the details.

This I do agree with you on Bigbadwolf. Too many people in the USA believe in the toothfairy and want to latch onto any positive speech that is plain window dressing.

Yes, gentlemen, in spite of being the cliche of all time, it is worth noting that more often than not, it is words that are the necessary precursor to action; more often than not, people are moved by words -- those they read, those they hear -- to participate in a movement, to instigate action. It is not wise to decry the value of mere words. For both good and bad, words, even silly little old political speeches, have been the single most powerful stimulus to ensuing actions. So, finding it wiser to ignore the standard version of bashing the USA, I just want to note here that one might want to rethink the opinion that words have no value and do not stimulate action. If not words, then what? It all starts with those silly old words.