Obamacare: Say goodbye to Grandma and the grandkids!


Jul 27, 2006
Is anyone paying attention too the proposed health care "reform" being "debated" in the US?

It would put the government in total control of not only "end of life" decisions (whether or not your Grandma gets the pacemaker), but reproductive (family planning) decisions as well. According to the proposed legislation, those couples who cannot conceive "naturally" would have to seek permission from the government to reproduce.

I'm afraid President Obama's time machine is set to 1984.

Say it ain't so, George.

(That's Orwell, not Bush.)
There are too many people in the world as it is.

Fortunately, according to your headline, Obama is doing his part to combat this. From Swine Flu, to Bird Flu, to Ebola, to Mad Cow, to HIV, to Anti-biotic resistant staph infections, to Obama, I see a brighter future for the world.

Now I have to get back to work.
Hey Napoleon, perhaps you would like to say who lives and who dies.

That, after all, is the prerogative of emperors.
steveinbsas said:
Hey Napoleon, perhaps you would like to say who lives and who dies.

That, after all, is the prerogative of emperors.

Insurance companies do this every day as it is. They deny coverage & benefits every day, even to people who are eligible & pay premiums. So, let's not get all indignant now.
Mini has a good point.

Personal wealth also dictates this. (Just look at Magic Johnson's fight with HIV... he's doing pretty well for someone who's had HIV for 18 years.)

I went to a prep school in the States and the biology teacher who was at my school for about 30 years (and retired the year before I was going to have his class) used to say:

"What this world needs is a good plague."

I don't know if he was wrong. The next 50 years will see more wars over water rights than energy.

I'm doing my part by not reproducing... however with my IQ, I may be doing my part to destroy the earth by NOT procreating. (Damned if I do, damned if I don't.)
steveinbsas said:
Is anyone paying attention too the proposed health care "reform" being "debated" in the US?

It would put the government in total control of not only "end of life" decisions (whether or not your Grandma gets the pacemaker), but reproductive (family planning) decisions as well. According to the proposed legislation, those couples who cannot conceive "naturally" would have to seek permission from the government to reproduce.

I'm afraid President Obama's time machine is set to 1984.

Say it ain't so, George.

(That's Orwell, not Bush.)

WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW... I am blown away !!!

I CANNOT effing believe you are falling for this b--- s--- kindergarden level PROPOGANDA. You guys will believe ANYTHING !! John Kerry goes to Vietnam and gets shot at, W NEVER even sets foot in Vietnam but he's the war hero and Kerry's the lying coward - Just Amazing, they really need to test people before letting them vote.......

Oh, and just a FYI thing, Grandma ALREADY has Universal Health Care, it's called MEDICARE and it starts in the US when a person turns 65, been around for decades.... heard of it? Didn't know they were killing Grandmas all these years but if Rush Limbaugh tells you so it must be true .......

1984? George Orwell? - Naw, that's DICK "I'm too busy to go to Vietnam and fight for my country 5 deferments" CHENEY, the EVIL WIZARD - look into it.....
Biology teacher is correct...just look at the "new" colds and virus that are emerging.
Eventually, human populations will be so great that resource will be null.
Scientist did a study that high IQ people really aren't reproducing like "they" should. Maybe the world will become like idiocracy..
mini said:
Insurance companies do this every day as it is. They deny coverage & benefits every day, even to people who are eligible & pay premiums. So, let's not get all indignant now.

Now we're talkin' TRUTH !!!! America's Health Insurance Companies ARE MURDERERS. They killed a very close friend of mine by postponing Cancer treatment over and over in order to increase their profits. When it finally hits most citizens that don't get it PERSONALLY then they will feel the sting - hope every Non Thinking, Dopey American feels it STRONG and HARD !!!!

We are all just slaves and piggy banks for the US Government and the Big Business/Military Industrial Complex that controls and runs the country......
Dudester said:
John Kerry goes to Vietnam and gets shot at, W NEVER even sets foot in Vietnam but he's the war hero and Kerry's the lying coward - Just Amazing, they really need to test people before letting them vote.......

It's a false choice between the two (Democrats and Republicans), as I always maintain. Yet you insist on it. There was an informed article in New Left Review on John Kerry back in 2004. The kind of war hero he was was that when a splinter entered his forearm, he slapped his hand on it to stop it from falling out, and then went to the medic, who expressed astonishment that it hadn't fallen out, after which he went to his captain to claim a Purple Heart. He kep pestering the obviously sceptical and reluctant captain until the officer relented. Three such Purple Hearts and one got a desk job.

Obama's "Public Option" is not health care reform and most Americans realise what a crock of sh!t it really is. Smooth talk from a fork-tongued liar doesn't constitute "change" and this is becoming clear to the American population at large.