Obtaining student residence after prórroga expired


Nov 5, 2024
Hello everyone,

I got admitted to a maestría in UBA and am about to ask for temporary residency. However, my prórroga on my tourist visa has expired (I thought I would get the papers before, but UBA offices close for the whole of January, which means I get the papers after).
Does anyone know whether I can ask for residency while overstaying in the country? Or should I pay the fine and reenter explaining that Im about to get residency?

Hello everyone,

I got admitted to a maestría in UBA and am about to ask for temporary residency. However, my prórroga on my tourist visa has expired (I thought I would get the papers before, but UBA offices close for the whole of January, which means I get the papers after).
Does anyone know whether I can ask for residency while overstaying in the country? Or should I pay the fine and reenter explaining that Im about to get residency?

did you apply for the residency using the documents you did have, and if so, did you get a precaria? pending receipt of the final documents
I cant even apply for precaria yet, because to do so i need the number on my constancia de inscripción and I cant get that yet through UBA.
I cant even apply for precaria yet, because to do so i need the number on my constancia de inscripción and I cant get that yet through UBA.
Seems to me you should just apply for residency when you can and not exit/re-enter the country. If there's some kind of overstay payment due when you apply for residency, worry about it then.