Offering a Tech Workshop


May 15, 2011
This forum is really amazing and has been such a great resource so far. SO many helpful people! :)

I'm just curious about an idea of mine and would like to get some external opinions on whether this would work.

A friend and I are experienced entrepreneurs in mobile and web development and design and marketing. We're moving down to BA soon and we'd love to help local and expats learn more about the tech industry.

I'm thinking that we could provide a 3 day workshop for 30 or so serious people. There would be a price of admission of course. We would cover programming, marketing, business, design, and we would be very hands on and available for individualized attention.

I think that it would go quite well. It would require alot of planning, but my friend and I have done this sort of thing in the States. We'd be able to support our continued stay in BA while at the same time, sharing our expertise and helping others achieve their goals.
I think it could go over quite well. There is already a fairly large tech scene here, and you may be able to pair up with some of them. I'd talk to Martin Frankel, the owner of Areatres and also check out Palermo Valley.
It could be interesting to people who don't belong to that industry also, even though they might be aware about the Tech world.

Could your courses be of an interest for someone knowing well about Tech & PCs but who doesn't work in that field, someone who would wish to develop a few games for Smartphones and, in order to reach that goal, needs to develop a better understanding of the whole process?

What would be teached for instance?
