On My Way!!


Jan 15, 2012

I am making all the final preparations to move to BA by February, (a.k.a. selling everything). I have been reading all over the web about places to live, things to do, stalking Craigslist for employment opportunities. How difficult is it to find work/place to lay one's head on arrival? What other sites does anyone recommend to get connected with people and jobs and a home while sorting it out?

What other preparation advice does anyone have?

(I Can't wait to get there!!)

Susan =)
Please tell me why, I'd love to know as much to expect as possible.
take some time and read the forum. The expat life subforum.
There are cool things , there are also pitfalls and very imaginative ways to lose your money here .
I could go on , but id sound like a pessimist
imaginative ways to lose money sounds like maybe you have had some good adventures/stories?

I have read that it is best to have some cash saved up before arrival, and/or income in $ or Pounds.
My second choice is Panama City...
What line of work are you looking to work in down here? Do you know what salary to expect? Do you have a work visa? Do you know how much it costs to live here?

There are so many things that we don't know about you. I could go on and make a list of all the reasons to come, or not to come, but for all I know, none of them may apply to you.

I hope you have already gotten a work visa. A lot of people act like you don't need a visa to work here, but it can really really help to land a job. For all the people who claim to work in black, there are a lot of businesses that only hire in white (and from what I see, they are the only ones).

I can't really give any more advice without knowing more about you. If you share some more about yourself, I would be happy to give what advice I can.
Hello va2ba,

I have worked as an educator the past 5 years, and am looking to work in just about anything that is more lucrative, and stable. I would love to get into corporate training.

Here is my LinkedIn Profile:

In education, my salary expectations are low... Just as they are in the USA.

I have poked around Craigslist and have seen places from between 400- 1500 per month.

I am checking into the background check that I heard is part of the work visa at the Argentinian consulate here in California.

Thanks! =)
SPCali said:
Hello va2ba,

I have worked as an educator the past 5 years, and am looking to work in just about anything that is more lucrative, and stable. I would love to get into corporate training.

Here is my LinkedIn Profile:

In education, my salary expectations are low... Just as they are in the USA.

I have poked around Craigslist and have seen places from between 400- 1500 per month.

I am checking into the background check that I heard is part of the work visa at the Argentinian consulate here in California.

Thanks! =)

I think the salaries here for educators are probably worse than they are in the United States, if you can believe it. :) I couldn't read your LinkedIn profile, but have you considered any telecommute job options? Universities, perhaps? I don't know what your qualifications are, but the world of online education is a booming business in the U.S>. I'm not sure what the pay is, but I imagine it could help pay the bills. It might be something you should look into.

Working from home is kind of the way to go here if you're a foreigner. Don't rule out providing services of some sort online.

Temporary rentals are very expensive here. Recently the Argentine government announced that they would be cutting subsidies to gas, electricity, and water in many areas, so rents are probably even go higher in the coming months. Finding a room-share is somewhat easy to do, but this isn't for everyone.

Expect a small adventure. Getting settled here can be a bit of a challenge, as Fabe has pointed out. Still, if you're in it for the experience, it will probably be a positive one. Come ready to go with the flow. :)