Whether you believe in man made global warning or not, the rolling stone article asks an important question. Why should the oil companies be allowed to dump their waste for free. No other industries are allowed to just dump their waste into the environment.
I don't believe in companies polluting. Neither oil companies, nor industrial manufacturers. But they're not candidates for anthropogenic global warming (at least not due directly to their pollution), which was what my statement involved. Also, to go after the companies because they are a threat to global life, as opposed to being polluters and making life dirty and uncomfortable, is a completely false way to deal with that particular issue.
And besides, of course other companies are allowed to dump their waste into the environment. What about mining? What about production facilities that pump gasses much more harmful than CO2 into the air? And so on, and so on. the oil industry isn't alone in that, and having worked for a drilling company and been involved in designing and writing software to help track and control issues such as these and having to interface with government agencies - oil companies are FAR from left alone.
I linked to the paper not because Peden is a current scientist working in atmospherics, but because he once was and has an idea what he's talking about, unlike about 90% of the people who write about either side of the debate who are just passing on the latest information they come across that matches their beliefs.
Growing up in the 70's, I remember the ozone hole scare that caused industries to completely change how they did things, related to aerosols and air conditioning, etc. Of course, it has since been shown that the ozone "hole" grows and shrinks over time.
So I started doing my own research on global warming some time ago and came to the conclusion that yes, the temperature is rising, and that it is a natural phenomenon and that it is not even a bad thing. The article by Peden pulls together a lot of the reasoning into one article and links to a wealth of data that supports it. He doesn't simply say "look, it's obvious because everyone says so." From that article, one can expand one's research quite easily and draw one's own conclusions.
I don't know what you actually did when you went to read the article, but it seems to me you glanced at the paper and then promptly went to discredit the author of the article. Here's a quote from the blog you linked to that I found a bit interesting:
...actually reads Peden's climate blather and remarks
That's two more papers than I surmised by reading part of the article. There are more errors in the paper than I want to list, but the first few are:
and he lists them closing with
I find it difficult to conceive of a practicing scientist making so many blunders. Is Peden actually alive, or is someone else abusing a name taken from a tombstone? If he were dead that would explain the lack of papers.
I also found the guy's writing style to be very difficult to follow - not much explanation and a bit of rambling.
The only place in there where I see any attack on Peden's "paper" is the quote above and although errors are mentioned, none are listed. The blog goes on to attack Peden's qualifications, but only saying that he exaggerates a bit.
So if it's "poor and full of errors" as you say, can you tell me what they are? Dude, I have to say, if you debate like this I can't see you winning many.
My first question was, who is this guy writing the blog? His introduction states "Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid..." and more stuff along those lines. I clicked on his name and got a list of users for the blog.
Peden may have exaggerated his bio a bit, but he's the first one to say he's been out of direct involvement in climatology research for quite some time - but at least he was at one time. He also clarifies that he is summarizing work from other scientists and lists the references. he also does things like link to the 100 scientists who were used by the IPCC as contributors to their anthropogenic global warming fantasies who have declared in no uncertain words that they vehemently disagree with the findings and the manner in which those findings were made and are being touted as "fact."
But that's OK. That is just one of many, many articles on global warming that doesn't support the more common "lemming" behavior. I didn't really expect anyone to read it or the information it links to, nor discuss rationally why many scientists believe that CO2 is not harmful (i.e., can't be a greenhouse gas, but if the esteemed blogger who left such a dangling lack of proofs against the paper would have argued against that, at least I'd know why HE thinks CO2 gas is truly a greenhouse gas and is dangerous istead of helpful) but indeed allows plant life to flourish, and so many other things.
I've seen many different graphs of temperatures, and I have to admit that the link to the Wikipedia entry on this was the first time I'd seen the Medeival high temperature shown higher than today, but ok, I'll even let that go without any argument. Could be, I suppose. But Mann et al 1998, the original paper that caused so many people to go nuts to begin with on
anthropogenic warming, is a complete fraud and never showed anything of the sort. The IPCC grabbed on to that and has been pushing anthropogenic global warming as a man-made (hence the word "anthropogenic") disaster ever since, with good-ol' Al Gore (and many, many other so-called "liberals") grabbing on to that and making billions of dollars off of crap they spout.
Neither the paper, nor me, myself, has claimed there is no global rise in temperature. Rather, the claim is that CO2 is not the cause of it (indeed, cannot be) and man-made emmissions are so tiny compared to natural sources (such as the ocean warming, which produces many, many more times CO2 emmissions than humans). Humans certainly weren't around during the times of dinosaurs when the temperature was MUCH higher and CO2 content in the atmosphere quantum levels above what it is now. and somehow life continued, the world wasn't one big desert surrounded by almost no other dry land because sea levels were so high, or boiling oceans, or what-have-you.
There is NO SINGLE model based on the theories of those who believe in anthropogenic global warming that has been able to model what is going on. Why is that? because the theories are wrong. But that's yet another story.
Sure, the temperature is rising. But so what? Yes, higher temperatures could cause ice caps and glaciers to melt (btw - the paper I linked to links to many points of data showing that many parts of the ice caps both north and south, and many glaciers, that Al Gore has been going around telling us are about to fall from the sky are actually refreezing, but hey, let's not look at that information either) and ocean levels to rise. The temperature itself causes the oceans to expand and rise as well.
But does that mean that this is unnatural? Sure, it's going to be a problem for those who have ocean front property. It will be a problem for those who currently farm is areas that will become arid, but people who currently live in arid areas may end up having farmlands again. But because some people suffer due to natural occurences, should we start to worry about soemthing that we can't do anything about and cause the economies of the world to have serious problems because we have to stop burning fossil fuels to stop something that's can't be changed anyway? Give me a better reason to not burn fossil fuels and and a better alternative, and I'll be right behind that, I guarantee you.
My entire point about global warming and the political crap-storm that has arisen from that, was that people who are trying to get governments world-wide to change industries in such a quick and abrupt manner, to avoid a natural issue that we have no effect over, is idiocy. We need to learn to adapt to slightly higher temperatures, higher carbon content in the atmosphere, rather than destroy industry that doesn't have anything to do with that particular problem.
And guess what - methane is extremely dangerous, much more so than CO2. But do you know where the true danger comes frome? Again, it's not man's contribution in the very small amount we put out in relation to natural phenomenon. There are billions of cubic meters of methane gas pockets in places like the offshore continental shelves of the US east coast. I read an article not too long ago that was talking about what would happen if a relatively small meteorite, or the "right" earthquake, were to loose even a fraction of that gas into the air. The ENITRE EASTERN SEABOARD would die. Not from methane poisoning, but from suffocation because methane is heavier than air and would temporarily displace the atmosphere and kill every living thing that depends on oxygen and other atmospheric components to breathe.
There are so many real and true dangers in this world that concentraing on stuff we can't do anything about is the wrong thing to be worrying about. But that's just my (what I consider to be well-informed) opinion, and I refuse to vote for people that continue to advance such things for their own benefit.
Pretty sure Romney had a plan to cut taxes and still somehow cut the debt... I think the majority of people were turned off from Romney due to the crazy right in the Republican party.
I'm sure Americans would vote for a moderate conservative if they could, but the rabid pro-life, anti-gay, anti-immigration stance of the modern Republican party is too much for most of them.
Romney's record was pretty moderate before he had to go full retard to win the preliminaries.
BTW - it's been shown before (according to some analysis of data, just dpeends on what you believe at the end of the day) that cutting taxes and removing business red tape and other restrictions actually raises tax revenue. But hey, I'm a free market guy. That's my belief. Democrats for sure don't believe that, they think the only way to make things better is to take money from those who have it and give in various ways to those who don't, ignoring such things as the damage lack motivation to make money can do to an economy. They ought to come here sometime and take a look...
The religious crap is one big thing that turns me off of the Republicans as well. I don't believe in god (in any god - take your pick! And why are Christians so sure THEY have it right?), even if I did, I don't believe that making laws based on something written thousands of years ago by people supposedly under the influence of their god is the way to government everyone. When god makes his appearance and tells me what he requires of me, I'll probably change my mind.
I'm fiscally conservative. I believe that people need to work for themselves and live within ther means, and the only thing they need is that the playing field be equal for all (doesn't matter who's in power, that never has, and probably never will, happen). I've worked as many as 3 jobs at a time when I needed to, and did that to put myself through university and have done so since when times are hard. I currently work two jobs, both full time, to recover from the "crisis" of 2008+ (yes, I work EVERY day, between 10 and 12 hours a day). I'm not too proud to dig ditches, or serve people food, or whatever needs to be done to earn money. I prefer my independence, which taking handouts from the government does not provide.
I'm socially liberal (but really liberal, not neo-liberal which is what all current self-named "liberals" really are). I believe in the right for any person to marry anyone they want. I believe that what happens in your own home is your business and no one else's unless crimes are being committed against others (family members, for example). I think the war on drugs, which has consumed so many billions of dollars better spent elsewhere, and has put so many people in prison for non-violent and victimless crimes, and has caused the rise of a violent black market in answer to peoples' desire tha legislation WILL NOT remove, is one of the stupidest things we could have done. I think that the government has no place legislating anything but the most simple morals - don't kill, don't steal, don't cheat. If you do, there should consequences no matter how rich or well-connected one is.
For those who cannot provide for themselves because of physical or mental handicaps - well, absolutely they need to be helped. But put the government in there and people are going to go that route because it's so easy. I won't go on about this, but for too many there is no incentive to go the extra step to provide for yourself when the government will do it more easily, and with little or no real oversight, which by nature comes with government, or the expense needed to provide that oversight, it is too easy for those who don't need it to get it, and sometimes difficult for those who do need it to get it, and in the meantime bilions of dollars are wasted in trying to provide oversight and make it right..
It's helping your fellow man by proxy. It's relegating your repsonsibility as a human to others and washing your hands of the issue. And I can say this with no hipocrisy whatsoever: Over the decades I have helped many people by giving them a place to stay, giving them loans, food, etc, when they are down on their luck. More recently I have helped poverty here in South America more directly by teaching people and giving them the means to provide for themselves, rather than making them dependent on me for their future.
Neither party has anything but words to offer me. Words are wind.