Open Mic Nite w/ the Argentimes Tuesday


Nov 24, 2009
Hola amigos y amigas,

Big news on the music/home front, both sad and happy. To explain a little, let me tell you why you need to come out to Open Mic Nite tomorrow. First, this is Johanna's last open mic, since she's leaving Buenos Aires this week. On Saturday she leaves for Lima, Peru to do more volunteer work before heading back to the States. For those of you who weren't aware, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is paying her tuition at U of Washington Law School b/c of a public service scholarship she won. She has big, big things ahead of her, and this is the next step in her dream to improve global health and healthcare. This sucks for me, but I'm excited for her. She's been a huge help organizing open mic night and being a positive presence, some out and say goodbye/thank you.

Second, the Argentimes, Buenos Aires' online news publication in English, is doing a feature on my open mic night. A reporter and photographer are going to come out, do some interviews, take some photos, and publish a little write-up on what we're doing. The reporter told me that she is going to interview some regulars, so the earlier you show up, the more likely you are to be photographed or interviewed.

After Tuesday night's fun, come out to Cafe del Arbol on Wednesday night to hear me with Paul and Lenny. We do a fun, upbeat rock set in an intimate setting. This goes on every other Wednesday (as I discovered last week...).

One more time:

Open Mic Nite - Johanna's last and Argentimes feature
Tuesday, 10pm.
Bring your own instrument and show up early!


Bron, Lenny and Paul live @ Cafe del Arbol
Wednesday, 10pm
Humberto Primo 424 esq Defensa
Free entry

See you soon friends!