"Opulent" Buenos Aires hypocrisy

on the brink

Oct 3, 2016
Alberto said

"We feel guilty seeing Buenos Aires so opulent, beautiful, unequal and unfair to the rest of the country" ("Nos llena de culpa ver a la ciudad de Buenos Aires tan opulenta, bella, desigual e injusta con el resto del país")

Noble feelings, but he lives in Puerto Madero, the most opulent neighborhood in this "opulent city". How's that for hypocrisy?
Alberto said

"We feel guilty seeing Buenos Aires so opulent, beautiful, unequal and unfair to the rest of the country" ("Nos llena de culpa ver a la ciudad de Buenos Aires tan opulenta, bella, desigual e injusta con el resto del país")

Noble feelings, but he lives in Puerto Madero, the most opulent neighborhood in this "opulent city". How's that for hypocrisy?
And a politician in any country in the world who is not a hypocrite?
Hard to believe his supporters can be THAT dim. PT Barnum was right: "There's a sucker born every minute"
He speaks of “unity” he speaks of “ending hate” yet every time he opens his mouth he spews division and hate towards the “other”. A cheap and nasty politician who has no real skill or talent to offer other than manipulation.
Just in it for the ego and the money (which unlike most world leaders, he has not sacrificed.)

Anyway, here in CABA I for one support the approach being taken by the city and hope that everyone can play their small part in continuing our comparative success by Exercising common sense versus other parts ruled by fear and fist. The most effective form of leadership is by example, not words.
Alberto's populism (and the Kirchners') is the kind that stirs up hate amongst the social classes, which allows them to get the votes of the poor and thus come to power. But they will never give up their wealth in favor of the needy. On the contrary they will keep accruing riches. And people still vote for them! Call it fanaticism, blindness, stubbornness, stupidity... Argentinians never learn.
Alberto and his gang are gunning for Larreta, who has a much better job approval rate.
Not to mention, Capital is hardly a thriving example of opulence either. I mean, I as an expat earning dollars can probably shoulder some of that guilt, but some of my family living in Capital wondering if they will run out of money any day, not so much.
Ok, whoever thinks like that may move anywhere else in the country and stop feeling guilty.