Pago Facil Wallet


Sep 19, 2018
Recently I created a Pago Facil account using the app in my phone. There was a Western Union transfer of $1000 for cash pick up, so using the MTCN and Pago Facil app, I was able to receive the money in my account. I paid some bills. I transferred some to my bank. All was going well and then all of a sudden I couldn't login to Pago Facil, telling me my user id was canceled. Recently I got an e-mail basically asking me to provide some documents. Here is the e-mail:

Nos comunicamos del área de atención al cliente de Servicio Electrónico de Pago S.A (SEPSA) por la utilización del servicio de Billetera Digital Pago Fácil, a fin de que, por favor dentro de las 72 horas hábiles de recibido el presente, nos remita documentación actualizada de ingresos por su actividad, oficio o profesión o documentación patrimonial y/o tributaria, bajo apercibimiento de la suspensión y/o inhabilitación de su cuenta virtual CVU.

Es por ello que le solicitamos por favor presente alguna de las opciones que se citan a continuación:

1.Últimos 6 recibos de sueldo, jubilación y/o pensión; o

2.Últimas 6 declaraciones juradas de IVA con el comprobante de presentación ante AFIP y/o libro IVA ventas digital y/o régimen informativo de compras y ventas de los últimos 6 meses; o

3.Últimos 6 pagos del monotributo; o

4.Últimas 6 declaraciones juradas del impuesto sobre los ingresos brutos con constancia de presentación; o

5.Última declaración jurada del impuesto a las ganancias con comprobante de presentación ante AFIP; o

6.Última declaración jurada del impuesto sobre los Bienes Personales con comprobante de presentación ante AFIP; o

7.Certificación contable de ingresos firmada por contador público y legalizada por el consejo de ciencias económicas correspondiente; o

8.Documentación de carácter extraordinario que justifique el origen de sus fondos, como, por ejemplo: Escritura de compraventa de inmueble, donación, Formulario CETA por venta de vehículo automotor, etc.

IMPORTANTE: Para el caso que posea saldo en su cuenta y no aporte debidamente la documentación solicitada, le requerimos que por favor dentro del plazo de recibido el presente, nos informe una cuenta de su misma titularidad para poder transferir a dicha cuenta los fondos bloqueados en su cuenta. Una vez realizada la transferencia o vencido el plazo, se procederá al cierre definitivo de la cuenta virtual (CVU).

Aguardamos su respuesta, saludos cordiales.

Equipo de atención a usuarios SEPSA / WU"
I have not yet used my Pago Fácil wallet, but after reading the previous post, I expect to receive the same message from WU after I start using it.

I read through the list and I believe that option seven is the best for a foreigner living off their savings or Social Security/pension income and does not pay income tax, the personal property tax, and/or ARBA (or similar tax) in Argentina.
I was sending money to my wife this way. For a couple months it worked fine then she got the messages to provide all kinds of information. We gave them everything they asked for with a reply of it will take 72 hours to review We jumped through the hoops for a month before they finally told her it would be against company policy to continue for her to receive money through western union. She is now blocked from receiving money so I had to resort to sending cash pickups to my daughter
I read through the list and I believe that option seven is the best for a foreigner living off their savings or Social Security/pension income and does not pay income tax, the personal property tax, and/or ARBA (or similar tax) in Argentina.

I think/hope I will be able to provide screenshots of the two most recent US bank statements showing the Social Security deposits to my account.

I can also upload the annual benefits letter from the SSA that verrifies the monthly ammounts that have been deposited, but I won't begin to use the Pago Fácil wallet until next year, if ever.

I prefer using my Argentine bank credit card to pay (with an interest free delay of up to almost 40 days). I use Western Union to transfer my SS income directly to my bank account in the first two or three days of the month and pay the credit card balance within the hour that the transfer has been credited to the bank account.
Other options besides PagoFacil for CVU wallets. In 2023 the Central Bank registered more than 60 digital wallets. Mercado Pago, Ualá, Cuenta DNI, Personal Pay, BNA+ and Modo are some of the most popular. ClaroPay is a CVU wallet that has benefits when you top-up your claro phone as well as the typical send and receive money features, plus the scammers have been using that one to receive your money since it is easy.

As @steveinbsas mentions an Argentina Credit Card is the best way to make payments. Always known to have better fraud protection too, The only issue is they are accepted less often.
As @steveinbsas mentions an Argentina Credit Card is the best way to make payments. Always known to have better fraud protection too, The only issue is they are accepted less often.

I am able to pay for almost everything with my Argentine credit card, most often without paying extra for using it instead of a debit
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