Palermo Meetup


Jan 29, 2011
Hola all,

I've noticed that there are many newcombers, including myself, in the Palermo area that are looking to make new friends. Maybe we can set something up this week and grab a drink or a bite to eat and practice our espanol. Feel free to PM me or write to [email protected] and hopefully we can set something up. I was thinking maybe Wednesday, before the neighborhood gets too crazy for the weekend....

Wednesday sounds good. How about 9 pm? Can we pick a Palermo bar within say 4 blocks of Santa Fe or a subte D station so people can get there easily.
Sure, I don't see why not. There's a cool bar on Thames close to Santa Fe. I will walk by today and see what it's called and get the address. Hopefully they'll have some sort of happy hour, it's not the standard Palermo tourist trap kind of place, which I think most of us prefer....

Will post again when I have the info!
Wednesday night you should go to Rio Cafe. But it's on Honduras near Armenia (between Malabia & Armenia) and that's about 8+ blocks off of Sante Fe.

9pm is "early" for there, so you could scout out an area to drink and talk and then when it fills up around 10:30pm-11pm, you can meet other people as well. Lots of English, a bit of a hipster scene, but they don't put sugar in their dry martinis.
I am starting to get used to the sugar in the dry martinis...funny Napolean that thread will never die....

Well PM me if anyone meets friday or saturdays.... my mid-week drinking is over since I started working hahaha....
maybe saturday at Sugar?? the bar Sugar... not sugar in the martini!!! cheers
ok, so whoever is interested I say we meet at Post Street Bar at Thames 1885, corner of Nicaragua this Wednesday at 9. It's about 4-5 blocks from the Plaza Italia stop off the D train. It's casual and with some outside seating as well as a bunch of street art covering the walls.
clooz said:
Wednesday sounds good. How about 9 pm? Can we pick a Palermo bar within say 4 blocks of Santa Fe or a subte D station so people can get there easily.

Is this location close to everybody or you live close by? Is everybody that way?
Count me in, too.

I just arrived in the city a week ago, and hardly know anybody in town. Hopefully, a gang of ex-pats won't be too hard to spot.