Palermo Meetup

I'll be there, Post Street Bar, at Thames and Nicaragua, at 9pm Wed!
Don't think I can make it...but I need help. I have to go back to the states and am in need of a great kennel or dog-sitter. I have a lovely older greyhound and the timing is terrible...seems as if everyone is on the way to carnival. I am looking for about 27 or 28 Feb to probably 7 Mar, but have some flexibility. Thanks
I read some threads about taking care of dogs in Palermo recently, perhaps the search engine of this site might help you out fast.
Hello there

I would love to join you. Only been here a week. I am Cordoba Av end of Palermo so somewhere in the middle would be great for me.

Great! See you all tonight for 9! I assume a group of expats wont be too hard to spot....
group of us (6 expats and 2 locals) going to cafe Rio on honduras between malabia and armenia after dinner at 1130 ish. its a fun place on wed nights if you guys get bored/or want to make a move after Post street bar.