LMAO at the 13 ways to be a Panamanian...
The fact is, wherever expats go it's not like home. And there's reasons why it's the more expensive / uncorrupted / predictable countries that always hit the top few places to live...
Here's a pregunta -- for those of you that are looking to move away and retire -- why not New Zealand? I think their dollar's dropping again, it's usually around 65 cents to the USD. It's a beautiful country, lovely weather, not too many people to deal with in general. If you're on the west coast of the US it's just as far to Auckland as it is to Buenos Aires, if not closer (12 hrs from LAX). No language problems (well, ok, some language problems, but nothing like english - castellano
For those of you on the lookout for places, check out escapeartist.com. You'll see that you're not the only one doing it and that every few years a new place becomes the trend (ie remember when everyone was heading to Prague? These days BA seems to have hit it big with Americans fresh out of college who somehow have the crazy idea they can get decent jobs here...)
For retirees it's been more the Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Argentina circuit for Americans and the Malta, Spain, Greece, Turkey area for the Brits. Germans and Danes hit Spain / Portugal / Malta, French do Morocco / Tunisia, Japanese = Hawaii, Aussies / Kiwis = Islands in the S.P.
We should get together and try and figure out the next big place -- we can be the first to build some residences and drum up the business and then sell out at the peak and move on...