Part Of Cerro Chapelco Sold For 8000 Pesos Per Hectare?


Aug 22, 2013

Is there anyone here living in San Martin de los Andes? Patagone are you still here? I'm not sure if Telenoche is a credible news source (from the video above), but does anyone know what's going on here? They're saying someone bought 140 hectares of protected land for 8000 pesos per hectar:

"Una empresa se quedó con 140 hectáreas de bosques protegidos y públicos de Chapelco. Pagaron sólo $8 mil por hectárea.
(from the youtube video description)

I don't know what the laws are in Argentina with ski resorts but I know that even in the US ski resorts are allowed to exist on National parks/forest and other protected lands, but only the part that is the slopes. Not a bunch of auxiliary real estate development is allowed. The guy in the video was sorta talking about what the land use laws were but I didn't get it. My guess is it looks like there is some sort of similar laws in Argentina as the US, but in this case it got abused and real estate is going to be built.

I'm not entirely sure whats going tho, willing to take note if I should or shouldn't boycott the place
My take on this matter after seeing the video, is that this is a done deal, that was done some time ago, the reason the local polititians are ''concerned'' is because they were left out of the loop and was dicided above their paygradet(at provincial level or national level). yet another example of Argentina backwards ways of ''protecting'' the enviroment, when they can't actually get their people to pick up their dog poop.....
And as that native mentioned, they don't want a country club built there for rich people to go,and i'm willing to bet if those lands were taken unlawfully by some ''poor displaced fraction of society" , would be ok. ......
I am still here. Tomorrow Chapelco will open, there is snow!
This is a developing story. There is a lot of he said, they said and nobody seems to be able to understand what actually happened. 140 hectares were sold at 8000 pesos (current value it seems). But in an interview one of the Chapleco dudes said: "yes, but that's only the fiscal value", without being asked what the real value was and in which pockets the difference would go.

There are plans to construct places with in total 2500 beds. This might destroy the hotel business in San Martin de los Andes, and as it is all private , likely nothing will go back into the community besides some temp jobs. Also, the area is native forest. Not only a protected zone, but one of vital importance for the Mapuches living just a bit further down there and all of the town even further down, as it supplies the fresh water and the forests and mallines acts like a sponge. I would prefer not to replace fresh water with waste of 2500+ persons...

SMA is pissed off and even archenemies inside the local government are now working together to see what still can be done.