Partida De Nacimiento -Birth Certificate Baby Born Argentina


May 1, 2012
Hi there,

Has anyone gone through the process of obtaining the birth certificate (partida de nacimiento) for a baby born in Argentina with foreign parents married outside of Argentina?

I am seeking advice on how the process looks like, what papers that are needed and how long time it usually takes.

Thanks and Regards,
Partida de Nacimiento
Es el documento que acredita la identidad del recién nacido, su pertenencia familiar y permite obtener el primer Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI).

Los padres pueden solicitarla:
• Si son casados en el país: cualquiera de los dos con DNI.
• Si no son casados: deben presentarse ambos padres.

¿Cuándo y dónde se gestiona?
Dentro de los 40 días hábiles a partir del nacimiento en una delegación del Registro Civil: en la del hospital o en la correspondiente al domicilio de los padres.

¿Qué documentos presentar?
• Certificado médico original con sello y firma del profesional interviniente.
• DNI original y fotocopia de ambos padres.
• Si son casados: libreta, partida o certificado de matrimonio.

¿Qué documentación se obtiene?
• DNI del menor.
• Primera partida de nacimiento.
Ambas se entregan en forma gratuita.

Si desea más información acerca de la gestión del DNI y otros documentos, consulte la Guía de Trámites.

souce: http://www.argentina...-nacimiento.php
At the Hospital they gave you a paper certifying the birth.
You have to schedule an appointment for making the birth certificate at the Registro Civil at phone: 147. The tramite is called "inscripcion de nacimiento".
If you don t have DNI or passport, then you have to go there with 2 witnesses. The witnesses is only if you don t have any id.
If you don t speak Spanish, go with a translator.
Here you can schedule the appointment on line:
They no longer do anything in the hospital. You must make an appt at the registro civil and go with your baby and the forms that the hospital gives you. You have to do it within 45 days of the birth and the typical wait time is 1 month. In my case, I made the appt while I was in the hospital, right after the birth.

You will go with baby and the required info (form from the hospital, marriage certs, DNI/passports). Are both of you/either of you residents?
Forgot to add, we got their birth certs within the week. We applied for their DNI/ passports the day we picked up their birth certs and had them within the month.
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