Pasaporte Excepcional para Extranjeros


Jun 13, 2019
Did anybody ever receive this? Where and how long it took?
I believe these are generally issued for people who are considered refugees/stateless/otherwise "protected persons" that fall under the auspices of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951, i.e. stateless people, refugees, people whose home countries have stripped them of citizenship/don't recognize them as citizens, citizens of failed states, etc.

They are usually blue "passports"/(commonly referred to as 1951 travel documents) issued for travel that almost always require the holder to have visa, though some documents such as Germany's 1951 Travel Document lets people visit certain countries without for touristic/business reasons like a regular German passport holder.

I can only imagine how difficult it would be get ahold of someone at the Ministerio del Interior to know that these exist, let alone what the requirements are to be issued one...
Quilombo, sorry, but you are speaking about other thing, tthis is called "Documento de viaje", if you hold it in hands it says exactly this, its for refugiados/apatridos etc. If someone was acknowledged as refugee by CONARE, they just bring it I believe.
Pasporte for foreigners looks like passport and says passport, it is different tramite.
It is for foreigners who are residents, and can't obtain a passport easy way, no consulate near for ex.This is theory, but on practice provincial registros have no idea
Quilombo, sorry, but you are speaking about other thing, tthis is called "Documento de viaje", if you hold it in hands it says exactly this, its for refugiados/apatridos etc. If someone was acknowledged as refugee by CONARE, they just bring it I believe.
Pasporte for foreigners looks like passport and says passport, it is different tramite.
It is for foreigners who are residents, and can't obtain a passport easy way, no consulate near for ex.This is theory, but on practice provincial registros have no idea
This is also my understanding. There are more implications, like if you use the "emergency passport" to travel to your own country, it can be revoked.