Pay for English teacher


Jan 24, 2011
We will be spending the year in Argentina, and my husband (who is American, but fluent in Spanish and Italian) will be taking a leave of absence from his work. He's a very experienced (almost 20 years) language teacher (he teaches Spanish and Italian), but we're wondering what kind of work he could get teaching English. For someone like this, what kind of money do you think he could make (no work visa)? How would he go about doing this? Thanks!
Hello! I am an English language teacher here. I work for an institute and and make 30 pesos an hour which is pretty standard. I also have private students which I charge 50 pesos an hour.

Upon arrival I emailed a lot of institutes, had some interviews, and then picked which one I wanted to work for. The next big hiring season is in March, however, some institutes hire all year long.

Good luck!
I know of one institute that pays TEFL-certified teachers 30 pesos an hour, another which pays 25. Travel/prep time is not paid. For private students, he should be able to charge 45-60 pesos per hour. I found my first private students through Craigslist, local acquaintances, and word-of-mouth. There's plenty of work available, it's just badly-paid.
For your knowledge, Wall Street Institute pays ARS$15 per hour to each teacher.
Yea, the Wall Street Institute is horrible! I have not heard one good thing from any of their students or their teachers. Do not work there!
look up "American Forum" on Google. Its an Argentine well-known insitute.
You will get a job there for sure .
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Can he work at an institute without a work visa? Probably, he would only take on a few private students (if he could find them), as he'll also be doing childcare, household stuff, etc.
$15 per hour that's what an undocumented maid makes(although she earns it for its a hard job!) CRAZY! I guess I shouldn't complain about my pay!
Yes, I work at an institute without a work visa. Each institute is different--some take taxes out in an attempt to be legit (although you use an Argentine's CUIT number--shady). The other institute I worked for didn't take taxes out. You get paid in cash or by a check.