Penetrit Anyone ?


Sep 14, 2013
Okay - this is a legit post - honestly... Nothing about prostitution, sex, trannies, really...:) lol

This stuff is great - it comes in a spray can - usually armerias and ferreterias have it - but since moving back to Belgrano everyone has told me no no no - either they have just run out or they don't stock it or whatever...

Has anyone spotted the stuff in their daily travels? And if its close to Belgrano of course that would be an added bonus...

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks Frenchie - I've never used them before - still more of a go to the physical shop kinda guy but will check it out...
lol :) I knew someone would have to have a go ;) lol Next it will be penetrit and prostitution in Argentina :)
Hi GringoBoy - WD40 is not bad but this penetrit works like magic on my expensive collectible knives and swords (the non Japanese ones) etc... It just seems to do a better job on rust (avoiding it and getting it back under control) than anything else I have found here - and sadly the tin I have got is almost empty...
Have u tried the Lubrilina line of products? It''s well regarded by the gun community AFAIK.