Permission to record conversation


Dec 11, 2020
Can another person record your conversation without your permission and send it to my family member and created a family problem so bad that it's a breakup for ever
As a legal matter, it depends where the two people are located. As an personal matter, I would cut off the recording person immediately -- that is a sick person.

These storms all pass in families.
How old are you?
Of course you CAN!
The question is SHOULD you do it?
Clearly, ethics are involved and also everyone should watch what they're saying over the phone and who is on the other end.

Sounds like you are looking forsome moral support...

How old are you?
Of course you CAN!
The question is SHOULD you do it?
Clearly, ethics are involved and also everyone should watch what they're saying over the phone and who is on the other end.

Sounds like you are looking forsome moral support...


In some jurisdictions, it is considered wiretapping. Not that anyone is going to prosecute the case, but don't assume this is legal.
The technical capability is always available at your fingertips.
Will, motivation and means, nuff said.

Legality is not a reasonable obstacle in most cases.

As long as the person is not using the recording in a malicious way -- e.g. extortion, blackmailing -- yes. Depending on the jurisdiction, it may be admissible in court or not. Some places require both parties' consent, others a single party...But this whole thing seems to be a banal personal matter and not a legal one. So...
Loose lips sink ships
Never let your mouth write a check...
El pez por la boca muere.

Can another person record your conversation without your permission and send it to my family member and created a family problem so bad that it's a breakup for ever

Was this specofically a phone conversation? Anything short of recording a phone conversation (which is illegal almost everywhere) is fair game. Look at how many conversations recorded in public are on youtube. One of the reasons I'm single at the moment is because my ex used to ambush me with her phone and upload our conversations to her instagram. She didn't get why that would annoy me.