Pet Fees


Jan 16, 2013
this question is for anybody that has traveled recently (within a year?) with pets to Argentina (specificaly using the Ezeiza aiport).

Besides de SENASA Vet fee, did you have to pay any other fee at the airport to bring a dog into the country?

I flew into EZE with my dog in January. To get a dog into Argentina your dog needs a rabies shot more than 30 days, but less than one year old. After you have this you have to go to a vet to get a health certificate filled out. It cost me $100. After you have the health certificate you need to make an appointment at your local USDA office to have them put the official seal on your health certificate. This appointment cost me $76. I flew on United from SFO-EWR-EZE. I kept my dog under the seat in front of me. Upon arriving in EZE Senasa is supposed to inspect your paperwork and charge an entrance fee. My flight was delayed getting here, and instead we were rushed through. Paperwork wasn't even looked at and no fee was charged. I would make sure you have all paperwork lined up, but the process was really easy. Make sure you tell the airline more than 48 hours before your flight you will have a dog. senasa requires at least 48 hour notice.
I flew into EZE with my dog in January. To get a dog into Argentina your dog needs a rabies shot more than 30 days, but less than one year old. After you have this you have to go to a vet to get a health certificate filled out. It cost me $100. After you have the health certificate you need to make an appointment at your local USDA office to have them put the official seal on your health certificate. This appointment cost me $76. I flew on United from SFO-EWR-EZE. I kept my dog under the seat in front of me. Upon arriving in EZE Senasa is supposed to inspect your paperwork and charge an entrance fee. My flight was delayed getting here, and instead we were rushed through. Paperwork wasn't even looked at and no fee was charged. I would make sure you have all paperwork lined up, but the process was really easy. Make sure you tell the airline more than 48 hours before your flight you will have a dog. senasa requires at least 48 hour notice.

That presumably will not work with a Bernese or a Newfoundland. If the dog has to go in cargo, it will probably be more complicated.
Thanks. Yes, i do know about the rabbies certificate, wellness certificate, USDA, etc. I was asking about extra fees because I read somewhere (a blog i cannot find now) that there could be some extra fees. Yes, it will arrive add cargo.
If senasa requires +48hs notice, did you call them? Or you expect the airline to do that? Thanks
United called for me. I would double check that when you schedule your pets transport with the individual airline. But as far as fees go you should only pay a small fee at the airport. I believe it is around $40 USD. All of the information is on the senasa website.
Actually, we brought our dog to BA last June, and my mother in law went to pick him up.
My dog flew from NY to BA in the United Ailines Cargo service. It was a 17 hour flight with one stop...poor Lanin!
Eitherway, he arrived at around 9 AM but was released at 2 PM because SENASA took a 1 hour
lunch and in order to pick him up yuo have to do like 4 different lines and pay different fees that at that time summed up to 800 pesos.
My MIL went with dollars and of course...they took it at the official rate! Bastards!

good luck with your pooch!

do you know/remember what were those other fees? I cannot find anything 'official'.
My husband is explaning to me that if you bring your dog in Cargo and not with you it's different.
If you bring him with you it's a bit easier and cheaper.
If it's cargo, like I did, you have to release the dog like when you bring a container with're basically "importing" the dog. Therefore, it's not only about the vaccines...there are about 4 or 5 fees that you pay. I remember that when I called Senasa...I highly recommend yuo do the time when I called they were very cordial and informative, they told me that there are agents I can hire that will help me release the dog. Since we didn't do that, my MIL had to do all the different lines and fill out all the paperwork.

Very important, make sure the dog doesn't arrive on a Saturday or Sunday...they might leave him there unattended without water...

My MIL must have paid about $900 pesos in June 2012

Call Senasa..they'll give you good info.
