Pope: Paying "en Negro" Is A Grave Sin


Mar 25, 2007

He has a point about treating employees justly however does he understand how complex labor law is in Argentina and the reality of trying to survive in a very difficult economy?
The Catholic Church, upholder of righteousness and keeper of all that is good in this world, supports governments blindly, telling its adherents that one will be going to hell in a hand-basket if they don't do what their secular governments demand of them. And now this pope seems to be telling people that it is a graver sin than not observing the penance the Church handed out related to the crucifixion of Jesus, and "other little things." Because if everyone is paying taxes, there seems to maybe not be the probability of the promotion of selfishness, then exploitation and the ignorance of poor people. Because governments would never do that if everyone is paying taxes and doing everything their government tells them to do.

Meanwhile, with people dying and becoming more oppressed in Venezuela (right, a "predominantly Catholic nation", no?), Pope Francis says:

"I hope the violence and hostility comes to an end and all the Venezuelan people, starting from those in politics and the institutions, strive for national reconciliation through reciprocal forgiveness and dialogue, respecting truth and justice and ready to confront issues for the good of the whole community''

Guess that isn't quite on the same level as faithful Christians not paying their taxes. Damn, thought we almost had something there. Oh wait, it wouldn't matter anyway if the secular authorities sinned in such a manner anyway, right? After all, can't they be absolved of their sins on their deathbeds? I mean think about it, no matter what horrible things they did while in power, the people drive them to it for not paying their taxes and obeying their secular authority, right?

Did Cristina somehow get Papa Francisco to put forward this gem of wisdom to the faithful?

What a game. I just wish more people would really listen and think about all of this, about both governments and religion.

There, did I manage to offend enough people? :)
What the Pope says and does has been increasingly contrary to what the Catholic Church says and does. I fully support this divergence and sincerely hope the Pope can weather the political war-fighting (that you know is going on behind closed doors) and live long enough to make a real change.

Christianity would be a great religion if it wasn't for all the Christians. The vast majority of us who profess to know the Bible have not actually read it, spent time wrestling with what it says, or tried to apply it to our lives. We only string together bits and pieces of scripture and psuedo-scripture to support what we already want to believe. Anything else would require too much self-examination, incrimination, and (God forbid) an actual change in the way we live. That is way too inconvenient.
A pope who preaches peronism will ultimatley become a laughing stock.