Pork improves sex life, says Argentine leader

I am a Muslim and I am deeply offended by the President's comments. I always suspected that she had no respect for Islam. Now I have proof. Anyway, it's all a lie. I have ten children and I have never eaten pork in my life. So there!
austin said:
I am a Muslim and I am deeply offended by the President's comments. I always suspected that she had no respect for Islam. Now I have proof. Anyway, it's all a lie. I have ten children and I have never eaten pork in my life. So there!
This must be a joke! How could you be "Deeply Offended" she didn't order you to eat pork. Plus we all know she's a complete bozo.
In your case I would suggest eating children.
She is colorful indeed - looks like the aging madam of a fourth-rate bordello.
austin said:
I am a Muslim and I am deeply offended by the President's comments. I always suspected that she had no respect for Islam. Now I have proof. Anyway, it's all a lie. I have ten children and I have never eaten pork in my life. So there!

Are you for real? I won´t even get started on how disrespectful and offensive Islam is.
Apparently she never scripts her speeches, hence why she makes so many gaffs. At the end of the day the whole political elite will screw Argentina over, they might as well have a comedic spokesperson.
In UK they call her the queen of botox......perheaps Nester the jester is just a plain old queen.....and she was refering to the "pork sword" that "the chav" is feeding her luscious lips....suerte
Austin why don't you sod off to Saudi Arabia.....you offend me with your comments.
austin said:
I am a Muslim and I am deeply offended by the President's comments. I always suspected that she had no respect for Islam. Now I have proof. Anyway, it's all a lie. I have ten children and I have never eaten pork in my life. So there!

Why don't you eat pork? Seriously, is it because your fanatical ass don't like it because it's written in the Koran that you shouldn't?
blackburn said:
In UK they call her the queen of botox......perheaps Nester the jester is just a plain old queen.....and she was refering to the "pork sword" that "the chav" is feeding her luscious lips....suerte

Do they? I´ve never read that.