Prices at La Biela?

La Biela has always been more expensive than a regular argie cafe. It's in every guide book, it gets tons of tourists and its in Recoleta.
Not nearly as many tourists as Tortoni. It's much more local than Tortoni.
Not nearly as many tourists as Tortoni. It's much more local than Tortoni.
You can almost always tell who the tourists are by what they order for breakfast: usually lots of food including eggs that locals don't eat.
Not nearly as mainy tourists as Tortoni. It's much more local than Tortoni.
The food at La Biela is excellent.
Turistas from Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay as well as Argentines from other provinces are not easy to tell apart. But turistas with Hawaian shirts and explorer hats stand out.
The food at La Biela is excellent.
Turistas from Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay as well as Argentines from other provinces are not easy to tell apart. But turistas with Hawaian shirts and explorer hats stand out.
I have seen a lot of Brazilians. They seem to order a lot of food for breakfast.
The food at La Biela is excellent.
Turistas from Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay as well as Argentines from other provinces are not easy to tell apart. But turistas with Hawaian shirts and explorer hats stand out.
What dishes do you recommend at La Biela? I look forward to rubbing elbows with the rich and famous again - as well as the old race car drivers. I tried to convince Garryl to return but he's off to Spain. Has Coffee Chat ever met at La Biela?
What dishes do you recommend at La Biela? I look forward to rubbing elbows with the rich and famous again - as well as the old race car drivers. I tried to convince Garryl to return but he's off to Spain. Has Coffee Chat ever met at La Biela?
I like the grilled chicken paillard with mixed puree. Salads in general great. All dishes are special and carefully presented.
