Prices Online Vs Irl

After my 1st year here, I observed that Argentina is about 30-40 years behind the US in lifestyle, and about 3-5 years behind in technology.
Because technology is inherently global and moves much faster than in other areas, the 30-40 years delay translates to a much smaller delay in technology.

And so you have a head-on collision of these 2 worlds - on the one hand, "traditional" Argentine commerce, with prices set on a lark, absurd markups, the whole experience we all know and love; and on the other hand, online commerce, where competition exists and putting a laughable price on a ML listing will get you laughed out of town (or at least off any page where your listing might be seen).

And when these wildly divergent trend lines collide, you get absurd discrepancies such as the one described. The absurdity of putting a price double the market value on a ML listing is obvious; the absurdity of doing that in meat space is not (yet?).

People are still trying to straddle both sides of the fence.
Both offline and online most prices of anything seem to be a closely guarded secret.
Example: Target stores - price on web site different than in-store price. Other examples: Best Buy; Macy's; Sears; etc...

The conundrum is not unique to Argentina.

I have been looking to buy a laptop in Santiago and there seems to be a difference of about 30% between online and retail.
Both offline and online most prices of anything seem to be a closely guarded secret.
When will the auction process start for houses - I get sick of browsing properties where no price is listed and you have to call. Just say a fucking price... Does my head in. I think sometimes businesses front run inflation by bumping prices in expectation of inflation and in the end cause it themselves - never ending circle.. Their mentality is so used to it that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy - salary negotiations come around every year and it all kicks off - protests start etc.. The place is a real life utopia - it always amazes me how anything functions at all. I've seen the same massive holes in the street for years - no one seems to give a fuck to fix them.. The side walks are completely fucked (apparently it is the property owners responsibility) which is stupid as fuck because it is a space used by everyone.
When will the auction process start for houses - I get sick of browsing properties where no price is listed and you have to call. Just say a fucking price... Does my head in. I think sometimes businesses front run inflation by bumping prices in expectation of inflation and in the end cause it themselves - never ending circle.. Their mentality is so used to it that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy - salary negotiations come around every year and it all kicks off - protests start etc.. The place is a real life utopia - it always amazes me how anything functions at all. I've seen the same massive holes in the street for years - no one seems to give a fuck to fix them.. The side walks are completely fucked (apparently it is the property owners responsibility) which is stupid as fuck because it is a space used by everyone.
I struggle to push a trolley down the side walk without it hitting potholes and dog shit - yet somehow someone decided it would be a great idea to let owners be responsible for the side walk?? I guess the city is shit at looking after the roads so we are fucked either way.
Not sure if the owner is responsible for the sidewalk is the same everywhere but is certainly the case in every place I've ever lived. Either personally or through the HOA/PUD.
Not sure if the owner is responsible for the sidewalk is the same everywhere but is certainly the case in every place I've ever lived. Either personally or through the HOA/PUD.
It works fine in a developed country where people actually give a fuck - doesn't quite work here where it is a struggle to teach people how to pick up their dog shit. The problem is you have 'old' Argentina style with ceramic tiles etc that have started to break leaving holes everywhere. They should make it a law to concrete all the side walks to allow people to walk with a pram unhindered. If they want to put a bit of grass on the other side go ahead, but at least enforce some controls to make it safe.
I guess by people you mean the authority responsible for ensuring these things are taken care of. For example one town has a law that within 24 hours of snowfall the sidewalk must be cleared. However, it wasn't enforced so the result was alternating sections of clear and snow packed sidewalks.