Private Detective

no but that would be my dream job so if you find one ask him if he gives classes
BankNote said:
Looking for a professional private detective in BA.

Any leads?

Saw one advertiaing in Bsas Herald recently..sorry I dont have a copy on me but check the classifieds. Are you cuckolded my dear and looking for tell..:)
AkBill said:
no but that would be my dream job so if you find one ask him if he gives classes

If you ever became one, I'd suggest you changed your name to KillBA. No. Too close to Kill Bill. Let's make it Keelba. Locals would call you Quilba. It sounds dark and mysterious. Like you could do more than just investigate. And if you have the physique du role... :cool:
Hache said:
If you ever became one, I'd suggest you changed your name to KillBA. No. Too close to Kill Bill. Let's make it Keelba. Locals would call you Quilba. It sounds dark and mysterious. Like you could do more than just investigate. And if you have the physique du role... :cool:

With great ideas like that I might offer you a job. I see big things for our future organisation.. you can do the dangerous break ins, the phone tapping and document stealing while i drink quilmes in the observation vehicle
^ I think you found my daddy

Now I think of it a shankee detective agency here would be perfect. We would get contracts from rich women to catch their businessman husband's cheating, then pose as rich foreign investors. At the end we tell them its customary in our country to celebrate big deals with a giant orgy then we take the pics to the wife. We tell her we have uncovered so much incredible shocking evidence our fee has tripled
Lee said:
Here is your first mystery to solve...

What happened in this scene?


Can the one legged, AKBill, figure out what happened before he runs into more LAME tourists, in search of that next bottle to prompt another ridiculous post on BAexpats?

to be continued...
BankNote said:
Looking for a professional private detective in BA.

Any leads?

First things first: I totally disrespected your post with my off-topic "reply". My apologies.

Going on-topic: now that I'm thinking about it, I could get some information. Two friends from school became professional bodyguards. Different job, but kind of in the same "business environment", so to speak. We chat on Facebook from time to time. At least I could ask them where to look, and what they think about those guys in the papers.

I don't know how you got those pics, but what I do with my chocolate buscuit is perfectly legal in peru and some parts of brasil