Programmer Salaries


Aug 5, 2012
As someone who is teaching English online while studying programming I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad with the fact I can pull in more than a programmer with an informal online gig teaching English.

Thanks for the info!
Just for interest, in today’s La Nacion there is an article citing median salaries of programmers in Argentina:

Un programador sin experiencia ( junior ) cobra $44.300
Un programador con alguna experiencia ( semi senior ) cobra $64.400
Un programador con experiencia ( senior ) $92.780

Without comment. Fortunately those days are behind me.

These wages are ways too low, programmers should look for an online job.

For reference, I know Indian junior programmers (those who know nothing and you still have to learn them what a command line terminal is or explain them that a database statement ends with a ';' and things like that) are sold to work remotely in the world market for 200 - 300 USD per day. To have an Indian with 3 - 5 years of experience work onsite for you will cost you 500 - 600 USD per day. (Often such programmers have the experience of someone programming for less than 2 years, but they are sold as having 5 years of experience, so they can be sold for a higher fee). Most of the money goes to the body shops, an Indian programmer with 3 - 5 years of experience would only be paid around 3 USD per hour at home, which is about $64000 per month if you take a blue rate of 121 pesos/dollar. That is the price you list here for a semi senior, you are telling me programmers are paid here as badly as in India? At least the Indian programmers make someone rich by giving away more than 90% of their fee. $92.780 would not be enough to have me work for even a day. Maybe as an Argentine resident, you may not have a lot of options in job offers here. At least know that if you are a programmer, more and more jobs are offered online and that 20 USD/hour is a low fee for world standards. You might want to surf the Internet and look for some opportunities working online.
Many programmers here usually do not speak English (Indians do) and in my experience are not very productive either. Chat a lot, code little. So, no surprise with the low salaries.
The encargado and the porteros in my building make more than those programmers. Socialism. All Make the same regardless of effort, productivity or skill. No wonder poverty is so high in Argentina. And the government is succeeding in creating more equality by making more people poor. Viva Perón. Viva los gremios.
Only the educated ones, most Indians do not speak English, but yes, the ones that program usually do.

are you sure? In my experience observing many Indian immigrants on the West Coast of the US: this might depend more on their region/state of birth rather than education. English is lingua franca and native language for many of them.
They speak their own dialect (Indian English) but they are still native in it.
are you sure?

The official language in India is Hindi. This is the native language of most Indians. In the East of India, they speak Bengali and in the South Tamil. If they have the same native language, Indians usually use this language and not English to communicate with each other. If they have another native language, Indians either communicate in Hindi or English. Only a minority of Indians speak English, but the more they are educated, the higher the chance that they speak English.
Only the educated ones, most Indians do not speak English, but yes, the ones that program usually do.
Yeah. I should have written "Indians in IT do speak English". Did not mean the whole population.