Protest against the government's economic shock measures


Oct 9, 2007

Thousands of people took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Wednesday to protest against the government's economic shock measures, in the first real test for Argentina's new libertarian president, Javier Milei.
I am so disappointed in Milei and Bullrich after so much talk they went soft on the protesters like always. This was the chance they will never have higher support among the population than now. It will only get harder from this point on. Argentina is doomed.

Most disgusting was the way they sent the light blue (weak) police into battle the protesters while the dark blue stayed back. Absolutely pathetic. Milei blew his chance to revolutionise Argentina
I went to the protests today and chilling with some pro Milei Argentinos they all say "He needs time, he has 4 years, he can't do it all in 1 week" but history shows the popularity of candidates like Milei peaks in the first week and only goes down from there. He had the perfect chance served up on a platter and he has blown it