Psoriasis in Argentina

Our 7 yrd old has had excema atopica from birth (thankfully it started significanty improving 2 years ago). The doctors all recommended Aderma bath liquid and body cream (Exomega) which has been a staple in our house. Available in Farmacity - 70 pesos or so for the cream.
CarverFan said:
Justing, any idea where I can get coconut oil over here? Thanks!

I'm not in BA yet. But in other Latin American countries I've asked the owners of vegetarian or health food places. They often know or will order it for you. If it's not in stock many import shops will get it for you.

If you find some let us know. While I don't need it for my Eczema anymore - it's great for cooking! Plus it has many other health benefits. :)
Any idea about where to get shampoos with either coal tar or salicylic acid?
Unfortunately, psoriasis is thought to be a systemic (and not topical) disease. As much as outside influences can cause a flair-up, even when it disappears it can still be in your system (forever).
You can first try moisturizers, coconut oil, etc., as it could be worthwhile to find a 'natural' remedy. However, in the end it might be a frustrating search.

If it turns out to be a case of serious and systemic psoriasis (cures for which... as far as I know have not been found), in personal experience the best topical solution is a steroid ointment called Halobetasol Propionate. I don't know if they sell it in Argentina, but it might be worth ordering some from elsewhere if need be. That said, psoriasis is tricky and the efficacy of treatments can depend on the person.

I hope it turns out to be the kind that goes away on its own. Importantly, reassure your child constantly because one of the worst side effects can be the unhappiness associated with the aesthetic aspect of the disease.
